22: Svea

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Rocket's mom is funny. I mean, Rocket is funny with his mom too, considering it reminds me violently of my dad trying to argue with my stubborn viking grandmother who refused to believe cell phones weren't going to poison her. 

Rocket seems a little ticked off when we get back to his truck, so I lean over the center console and kiss his head. "What's got you all riled up now?"

"Well, I," He lets out a long sigh. "Okay, so, like, I like you, a lot, right?"

My chest flutters. Not in the heart attack way. "I guess."

"So I've been looking forward to like an actual date with you since, what, October?"


"And then it shows up and I was going to have such an awesome time and then my mom-"

"I like your mom, plus, we'll go out while on the road, that's what I'm looking forward to. Road trip dates. Fen tells me about them all the time." I ruffle his hair and hold his hand. "They went to the beach the last time we were in San José, accidentally almost had sex in the hotel roof in Tampa," I shrug. "They've gone out to dinner, been up in the arch, they're kinda crazy together."

"I don't want to copy all their stuff," He laughs.

"Yeah, definitely not the drunk sex bit or the injury bit or the unbelievably annoying sexual tension they have sometimes."

"Right? Like they could pin each other down and wrestle in a not-sexual way or make out in front of all of us all depending on what meteor is closest to the atmosphere at any given moment." Rocket laughs.

"Exactly." I take a deep breath. "Back to my house, we're eating lunch and then going to see some flowers."

"Good plan." Rocket pulls out and we're at my apartment in minutes. He remembered where it was, which was really nice. I have to remind myself for the five hundredth time that Rocket is over all the time so it makes complete sense that he knows where I live. 

I follow him up to the front door, unlocking it and letting both of us in. He lets me pass into the kitchen and I look around. "What are you in the mood to eat?"

"No idea, I'm just hungry." He hops up on my counter, sitting down. I turn around to him.

"That wasn't really all that helpful." I laugh. He shrugs. "Sandwiches? Pasta? Gimme something."

"Honestly I'd vibe with pasta." He grins. I nod and hunt around my cabinets. He hops off the counter and then stands next to me. I look down. He's pink in the cheeks.

"And what are you doing over here?"

"No reason."

"Yeah there is." I set down the box of pasta, crossing my arms. "What."

"No reason." He looks at the pot of water, then back at me.

I roll my eyes. "What."

He slides between me and the stovetop, his legs staggered with mine. Then he wraps his long arms around my stomach. I just laugh.

"You know, I didn't see you as the clingy type."

"Oh, I'm not." He grins at me.

"Then what are you doing right now?" His vice grip on me gets tighter.

"Being a dick." I watch a little smirk drift into his smile. "Because I want something."

"Well, I can't give you any food until you get off." I'm watching his green eyes because I'm confused. "Do you want a kiss?" He nods and I bring my head down to his.

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