21: Castles, Candlesticks, Clogs and Carrots

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this chap. is kinda a wreck, haven't had time to edit around school work. enjoy


Waking up in only shorts, no boxers, pressed head to toe against the guy I've been crazy about for months is really refreshing. So refreshing that I don't even get embarrassed about my morning wood, despite the fact that I got off like three hours ago so it should be more chill than normal, but it isn't.

"Morning." Håkon feels me shifting on him and I have to sit up, stretching out my shoulders and elbows.

"Morning." I mumble right back at him.

"That wasn't english." He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses the back of my neck.

"Right," I laugh a little. "Your nose feeling okay?"

"My nose is alright," he's now got one hand touching my hair, the other splayed across the bottom of my stomach. "Your hair is a mess."

"It normally is when I wake up." I run my own hand through it and accidentally brush across his fingers.

"Give me a second." He shifts and then I feel both his hands messing with one little chunk of hair.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing important." He grabs the loose rubber band off my bedside and I feel little tug.

"This feels important."

"It's just a little braid," He laughs. "It's not like I cut any of your hair off."

"I mean," I lean back into him as subtly as possible. "It wouldn't be the first time someone's threatened that."

"Oh all right," Håkon's arms go around me. "But I think it's hot, so I'm okay with the long hair."

"You are? I thought it was just me."

"Yeah, I like it," He leans over and sets his lips on my shoulder. "What do you say me and you go out today."

"What do you mean?"

"Like a date."

"You'd do that?" I ask. "It's the two of us, alone, in the city? Hundreds of people are bound to recognize you."

"I just won't hold your hand, it'll still be a date."

"I mean, if you're up for it, yeah." I turn around and kiss him again.

"Then it's a date?"


"Afterward we have to go back to my house for food, then I can stay over here again if you'd like."

"Yeah, I'd like that," I kiss his nose. "Now let's get dressed. I've got a date idea."

"What is it?"

"I'm not telling you," I stand up and hop right over to my closet. "We should stop by your house before we go so you can get clothes."

"Right," Håkon stays in bed for a moment or two and I root around for jeans, wash-faded jeans. Steph calls them my yeehaw jeans because they look very farmer. Over that I put on a black shirt and a flannel.

"Might want to button up that flannel all the way," Håkon is propped up on his elbows, watching me.


"Might want to button it all the way up."

"Okay, but the outfit."

"Milo you missed the point." the corner of his lip kicks upward. Then I turn a little pink.

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