Chapter 17

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Sometimes reputations

Outlive their applications

Sometimes fires don't go out

When you're done playing with them.

~ Coyote Shivers "Sugar High"

The pack made their way inside— the atmosphere was way more tense than usual.

"Is everything okay?" Emily asked when she noticed the weird energy emulating from the pack.

"Seth imprinted," Embry said.

"Oh! Congrats!" Emily said. "Who's the lucky girl?"

"My sister," Paul said angrily.

"Oh," Emily said a little less enthusiastically. She knew how Paul got about stuff like this. Plus, the whole pack had just found out that Paul's sister was expecting a baby.

"Apparently, I'm gonna be an aunt," Leah added.

"Oh?" Emily said. "Well, yeah I guess that would make you a step-aunt."

"No. Leah's the full aunt," Quil said.

"Yeah," Jake added. "Jared just told everyone that Seth is the father."

"Oh," Emily said again. Seth was really young for a parent, but he was family, and family supported one another. "Congratulations, Seth," she smiled at him, and pulled him in for a hug.

"Thanks," Seth said sheepishly. That seemed to be the pack's cue to celebrate— they all congratulated Seth. Well, with the exception of Paul and Leah, who seemed completely uncomfortable with the entire situation.

"So, when do we get to meet her?" Emily asked.

"I don't know," Seth said. "She doesn't know about the pack or anything, and I don't want to stress her out right now. She's got enough going on."

"Yeah about that," Sam said. "I take back what I said before. Seth, you have permission to tell her. As an imprint, she's officially part of the pack."

"Cool," Seth said. He wasn't really sure what he was supposed to say to that. Emily brought out a platter of muffins, and the guys began to flock to the table. Before Seth could join them, Leah grabbed his arm.

"We should go home," Leah said. Seth allowed her to pull him along, and they began to walk home.

"So that was your secret?" Leah asked.

"Kinda," Seth answered. "I didn't know about the baby until Paul told everyone, but yeah. Jared found out that Brooke and I were sleeping together, and I was trying to keep Paul from finding out. And if I'm being totally honest, I would have preferred if you didn't know either."

"Yeah," said Leah. "I kinda wish I hadn't found out either. It's kind of a weird thing to know about my little brother... So you guys are keeping the baby then?"

"Yeah. We talked about it, and that's what felt like the right choice for us," Seth told her.

"Are you gonna tell Mom?" Asks Leah.

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