Chapter 15

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Scotty doesn't know

Scotty's gotta know

I'm gonna tell Scotty

Gonna tell him myself

~ Lustra "Scotty Doesn't Know"

It was Saturday afternoon, and Seth was hanging out at Sam and Emily's house again. Currently, he and Sam were discussing when he would be allowed to go back to school.

"Why do I have to go back?" Seth complains. "I'd rather stay here and hang out with the guys."

"Seth, you've been out of school for almost a month, and everyone else has already gone back," Sam reasons with him.

"Paul hasn't gone back," Seth sasses.

"Paul graduated," Sam says bluntly. "Look, you haven't accidentally phased in a while, and your mom really wants you to go back. You're ready— it's time."

"Fine," Seth groans. Seth wasn't into school— he found it boring and he didn't want to go to college, so he really didn't see the point. It drove his mom crazy, but he would figure it out. Actually, now that he was a protector of the tribe, he really saw no point in school at all— this pretty much a full time job, and the elders gave the older guys a salary. Seth was pretty much set for life.

"I made lunch," Emily calls as she begins moving large plates of food to the table. The pack began to gather around the table to eat. 

Seth took a seat next to Leah, and filled his plate with food. The whole pack loved eating meals at Sam and Emily's— even Leah, though she would hardly admit it— because Emily was the best cook in all of La Push. The pack was talking and laughing, even Leah seemed to be in a better mood than usual. She wasn't smiling, but her glare seemed a lot less steely than normal.

Paul came into the house wordlessly, and sat down next to Jared. 

"Hey, Paul," Jared greets his friend cheerfully.

"Hi," Paul replies less enthusiastically. He was emotionally burnt out— the last couple of days have been beyond stressful for him. If one more person cried this weekend, Paul was gonna lose it. And not in his normal angry way— it would be more along the lines of Britney circa 2007. Paul just kinda felt like he needed a nap.

After a few unsuccessful minutes of trying to engage Paul in a conversation, Jared finally acknowledges his friend's weird behavior.

"Dude, what is up with you today?" Jared asks.

"Nothing, man," Paul replies. "Just got a lot going on right now. Don't worry about it."

"Come on, dude. We're all gonna find out once you phase, so you might as well just spill it," Jared tries to convince Paul.

"It's just some stuff with my sister," Paul reveals. "I really shouldn't be talking about it though. It's not really my shit to share."

Seth's ears perked up at the mention of Brooklyn. Of course, Paul knew everyone in the pack could hear his conversation with Jared, so he was trying his best to respect Brooklyn's privacy— she had been very clear that she didn't want people to know she was pregnant unless she decided to keep the baby.

"Is she alright?" Jared asks. Paul's reaction to whatever was going on with his sister was concerning to Jared. Paul is his best friend after all, and he figured it probably couldn't be a good thing with how weird Paul was acting.

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