Chapter twenty one

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Chapter twenty one
Sapphires POV
We had devised an entire plan to expose Bradley. It's amazing what three girls can do when they're angry enough. Our plan took place in the auditorium.

Apparently Tara is a tech master or something because she was easily able to hack into the projector board. I had a feeling what we were doing was a little bit illegal but honestly I didn't care.

We were going to show everyone just who Bradley is. At first I thought our plan was a little too harsh. Then we found out that Bradley had a girlfriend last month, who he cheated on. We wouldn't be surprised if he had abused her too.
It seemed Bradley was never going to change so we were going to end this once and for all. I was just hoping we didn't end up in jail. Tara, Athena and I all sat at lunch together, a lunch that Bradley was in.

I searched desperately for Liam. He was still nowhere to be found. I sighed. I guess I was going to have to do this without him. He had gone completely awall and I haven't seen him since Bradley showed up.

I didn't need him though. I was going to do this without him. I had two friends to back me up on it.

If you had asked me where I imagined myself being today two years ago, this is not what I would have imagined. I had a fake boyfriend, I was now friends with the girl who helped my boyfriend cheat on me and made my life a living nightmare, and I was about to expose him for the dirty cheat that he was.

The mere thought of Bradley made me sick. I wanted nothing more than to run him over with my car, but sadly that would most certainly land me in jail. I think my mother would have my head if I got arrested. It would totally be worth it though.

Tara tapped her fingers, nervously, on the table. Athena looked to be the same way. She was trying desperately to calm her breath. I, on the other hand, was surprisingly calm. I wasn't quite sure why. It was like for once in my life I was ready for something. I could do this. I was confident, that was until Tara yelled five minutes and reality hit me in the face and then proceeded to run me over.

My eyes widened in full blown panic. There was no way this was going to end well. Tara has volunteered to do the talking but I had a feeling most of the student body would just simply scowl at her.

Without knowing it I had somehow gone from the bottom of the social pyramid to the top, simply by dating Liam. Everyone loved him and since they all believed he loved me they loved me as well, by association. Once Tara stepped down from her spot as queen demon, the title of most popular girl went to me. I most certainly did not want the crown. I was very happy with my non attention seeking like. I liked it better when no one knew I existed.

Athena also climbed the social tower. Sam was equally as loved and popular as Liam. Sam and Athena were actually dating, so her popularity would last. Mine, on the other hand, would probably be worse than before I dated Liam, after we fake break up. I figured our breakup was soon, seeing as he wouldn't even talk to me. I tried not to think about it much. It made me sad. I really cared for Liam and I didn't want things to end, but I knew they had to at some point. I couldn't make him feel the same way about me as I do about him, as much as I wished I could. In all honestly I was afraid that if I spent too much longer with him I was going to start to fall in love with him. He was such an amazing guy I could already see myself starting to slip and fall. It wouldn't matter though. At the end of the week is the season trip. We were breaking up after the season trip. I could let my emotions fade out. Maybe then it wouldn't hurt so much.

"One minute," Tara whispered.

As if on cue Bradley came strutting unto the cafeteria. He directly headed towards our table, heading towards me. Tara stepped up, standing on top of our table. "Can I have everyone's attention?" Her voice was shy and timid, her hands shaking.

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