Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Sapphire s pov
The sound of my alarm blasted through my room. I groaned. I hate Mondays. Something about waking up after a nice long weekend was just agonizing. I mean No one wants to get up on mondays. Especially when you have to go to school. Come on you can do this. I flopped over on my stomach attempting to get out of bed. It might seem like I'm a bit dramatic when waking up, and that's probably true. I rolled over until I fell off the edge. A large thump could be hear as I made contact with the ground. I lifted myself off the ground, slowly dragging myself over to my dresser to grab some clothes. My dresser drawers were mostly filled with jeans and t-shirts. I grabbed a pair of high waisted jeans and my twenty one pilots t-shirt and got ready. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put on some light makeup. My bag was already packed. I never eat breakfast in the morning so that meant I could get up as late as possible. I heard two honks come from outside. Athena came to pick me up every morning before school since we lived so close. I grabbed my keys of the counter and headed out the door. Much to my surprise it wasn't Athena's car waiting for me outside but instead Liam's. I approach the car in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

"I was given precise instructions from Athena to come pick you up before school and to make sure to honk twice when I get here,"

"Uh okay,"I awkwardly stood outside the car not sure of what to do.

"Are you gonna get in the car?" He laughed.

"Oh right," I muttered.

I quickly slid into the front seat and placed my bag on my legs. Liam pulled out onto the street and we headed to school. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Athena. 'Where are you??????'

'I thought you would have fun riding with Liam ;)'

I mentally facepalmed, 'really'

'Yep, I'm with Sam'

It figured she's with Sam. She probably spent the night at his house yesterday, good for her. 'Ohhhh have fun'

'Trust me I will ;)'

I couldn't tell if that was meant to sound wrong. I hope not. I set my phone back in my bag and stared out the window. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Liam glance at me before reverting his eyes back to the road. My thoughts began to return to Saturday. Every boy who cares for me leaves. Then I won't have to worry about losing Liam right? I mean you can only lose something that you have. What Liam and I have is fake so I can't lose him. Why am I worrying about losing him anyway? It's not like I actually like him or anything. "You okay?" Liam asked as if reading my mind.

I broke away from my thoughts, "yeah of course," I smiled to help my case.
He raised one eyebrow at me in suspicion but left it at that. I sat there drowning in my thoughts. Do you think he's thinking about the panic attack? What happens when he gets back with Tara? What if Athena finds out it's all fake?

By the time we got to the school I had sufficiently stressed myself out. There was no chance of me coming back from my thoughts. Liam parked and I quickly scrambled out of the car. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah," I tried to act as normal as possible.

I just seemed to get nervous around him. I don't know why. I was fine yesterday. I ignored it and tried to act as normal as possible. Liam grabbed my hand and tensed up. He bent down and whispered in my ears "We're supposed to be acting like a couple sweetheart,"

I relaxed and leaned into him. Above us the clouds were a dark grey and it looked as though it would storm soon. The warning bell rang and everybody quickly rushed inside to class. The day was pretty basic and sadly it hadn't stormed yet. Finally it was time for lunch and I was starving. "It looks like it's gonna storm," Athena told me grabbing her lunch from her locker.

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