Chapter 35

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"So where did you two meet?" Jace asks like he's one of my dads inquiring about my date

I narrow my eyes at him but he just flashes me a charming smile that I only outwardly roll my eyes at cause my insides are slowly melting

"The beach" Paris answers with her mouth full. I tut in distaste at her and she gives me a toothy grin

"You managed to get your lazy ass of your bed?" Jace looks at me in disbelief, his hand pressed against his chest "This is truly a miracle"

If looks could kill, Dieter would probably have to buy a casket about now and set a date for Jace's cold blue body to hit six feet

His lips curl into another smile as he gives me a knowing look like he knows exactly what I'm thinking and reasons why I wouldn't do it

Fucking son of an ass cracker

"She was all gloomy and dark while silently challenging the waves to carry her away to la la land" Paris winks at me and I grab my fork, intending to pick out her eyeball. She laughs and scoots away from me

"I was only there's cause Muna felt it would be the best remedy to my mood, only to magically disappear when we get there to shag some stranger"

I slam my palm to my mouth and look at Paris "Sorry, language"

Paris rolls her eyes dramatically "I'm not ten" she turns to Jace "I'm turning sixteen next month"

Jace pauses and turns to me, his eyes blinking in confusion "Why is she telling me that?"

I shrug and continue eating whilst checking my phone in case any messages come in from Muna

"Why are you telling me that?" He asks her

"Cause I want gifts" She says in a duh tone. Her eyes snap to her phone as it dings with messages

"I like her" he comments in my ear and I suck in a harsh breath, my teeth pulling my bottom lip between them as I attempt to resist the feelings that course through my as his lips brush my skin

I give him a tight lipped smile as I attempt to scoot away from him "Yeah, she's like the sister I never had and wished for"

He's looking at me with a smug look like he knows exactly what he's doing to me but I look away and focus back on my pie

"This pecan pie cheesecake feels like heaven in my mouth" I mumble as I stuff another forkful between my lips

"I thought that's what you said my lips taste like on yours" Jace looks mildly offended when I turn to glare at him

I check if Paris had heard him but she smiling texting someone

"Don't you have a girlfriend to go to? Why are you even here?" I ask him

"I'm here cause I'm having dinner, same as you" he shrugs innocently and goes back to eating

I'm about to retort his comment with one of my own when Paris cuts me off, her eyes lifting from her screen as she shuts it off

"So what happened between you two?" She puts down her phone and turns back to us

"Why are you asking?" He asks, sitting back with his arms crossed over his chest like he's some chill guy in a detective movie and that already cracked the case

"Nothing happened between us" I say and shuffle away from him to maybe try and make my statement believable "We were just friends that realized friendship isn't for them" I say with such finality

Jace doesn't say anything from beside me and I don't even bother to look at him as I finish up my pie

Sensing the ugly air between us, Paris picks up a conversation with Jace about a surprise party for her 16th birthday

"It literally can't even be labelled a surprise anymore" he replies, his voice is laced with amusement and I can only imagine the charming smile that'll be splayed across his lips at her

Damn Autumn! Stop this

I get up from the table and both their eyes snap up, surprised at my movement but I stare ahead

"I'll get the bill. Come on out when you're done" I say and disappear before they can share an input

I settle the tab and proceed to step out to fill my lungs with a deep intake of breath, my body leaning on the car as I let the air I exhale slip from between my lips

"Hey, you okay?" I hear Paris say and my head snaps to meet her gaze on me, her eyes watching me with a bit of caution

A smile breaks out on my lips and I pull her into a bear hug, her body squished against mine as I coo softly in her hair

"I'm good" I tell her

"Get off me!" She cries helplessly while her arms wrap around me, participating in my hug

"Yoo!" Jace hollers "We gotta go" he gives us both weird looks like we're some sort of crazy people screaming in a parking lot -which we are

"So do we drop you off at home or in your mum's working place?" I ask her, keeping her at arm's length so I can see her face

"You're not even the one driving! Why are you asking the questions?" Jace says exasperated from the other side of the car

I glare pointedly at him and he sulks, resulting to muttering to himself and getting into the car

She smiles and shakes her head softly "Neither of the options. I can go home on my own"

"Nope" I shake my head vigorously "No way. It's way too late to you have you out on your own. Anything can happen!...."

She cuts me off, her hands gripping the sides of my face "I'm good, Autumn. I knew full well I'd have to go home late and on my own when I came over"

My demeanor shifts and I sulk but she just grins and begins to walk away towards the bus stop "I'll call you when I get home. Maybe you can talk me to sleep as always"

I laugh "As mean as that statement sounds, I'll prepare my bedtime story" I give her a little wave before I enter the car with Jace

"Finally, you say goodbye to your sister" he comments, shifting the gear and easing out of the driveway

"She's not my sister" my neck is craning behind me to watch her retreat as much as I can till her figure disappears

"She could pass as it. You both have quite the resemblance" he shrugs lightly and I nod in agreement to the statement

"Sooo where do I drop you off? Dorm or my room?" His lips are turned into a smirk as he glances sideways at me

I shake my head and roll my eyes. A laugh escaped my lips "Rabbit"

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