Chapter 32

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There's a bit of sunlight reflected on my eyes when I wake up and I blink to get my gaze into adjusting to the light

I try to move when I notice two very unusual things

One. There's an arm slung lazily over my body and I'm not even going to waste both our time by saying I don't know whose, cause it's Jace's

Two. These sheets are so soft, I'm highly sure they don't belong to my bed which only means one thing

My eyes fly wide open and so does my mouth

Dear me, why am I in Jace's house and in Jace's bed which his stupid arms around me?

Doesn't he have a girlfriend for these purposes

The sudden jerk of my body movement cause a pounding in my head and I just then remember how hard I'd been drinking yesterday

In comes flooding other memories such as my big mouth admitting a lot of things to Jace and also asking him to pick between Nobi and I

Blast my loose tongue! I can't face him after all that, I'll look like a sad teenage girl which I'm not

I twist in the bed and gently pry his heavy arm off my body just enough for me to slip out under him and out of the bed then I carefully place a pillow where I had been and drop his arm on it

Damn, I should act a spy movie

Luckily, I'm still in my complete clothes which include my underwear, thankfully, and the tank top coupled with Jean shorts

I look around the room for my kimono but I can't find it or risk actually searching for it incase Jace wakes up or Nobi walks in here and thinks I'm trying to steal what she stole from me

Forget the damn kimono. It's nothing compared to all his clothes I've stolen and have no intention of giving back

I grab my shoes at the edge of the bed and make to tiptoe out of the room

"I think you should know that you're not as good at sneaking out as you probably think" I hear his voice as I try to quietly squeeze the door knob

I yelp and jump in shock

Turning round, I meet his gaze as he's now sitting up in the bed

How did I not notice him sitting up?

"Go back to sleep" I say in a funny voice "This is all a dream"

Not your best idea Autumn but it works sometimes.....on children

He's looking at me like I've gone mad which I actually feel I have

"Ah whatever" I say and run out the door. I'm taking the steps two by two when I almost run into Dieter at kitchen

"Great timing dude!" I pull his arm as I run to the front door and grab one of the car keys by door "Drive me to my dorm"

"Hold on a minute" he says as I pull him through the door. I press the unlock bottom on the key and I hear the one the porch beep. I pull him there

"Come on before he comes out!" I say frantically to Dieter and push the key and him into the driver's seat of the car

I close the door for him and jog to the passenger side

"You can't just force me into driving you, I have other things to do. Jace can drive you. See?" he points off at Jace who appears at the front door

"If I wasn't running away from him" I reach over his body and shut all the car doors "Get a move on it buddy before I crush your balls"

His pupils become dilated and he quickly turns on the ignition as Jace tries to open my side of the car but the door doesn't budge

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