Chapter 39

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"She must feed. It cannot wait another moment. Damion, come with me, let us prepare for the elders."

I heard them speaking all around me, I passed out again? What the hell? This was just getting ridiculous. 

"Indeed, you are like the poor lost character in a lame romance novel."

I could not hold back my laughter, as weak as I felt.

"I would like to say that, but actually, you just need to feed, which is why you feel so out of it. Come my dear, lets get you on the road to being your strongest."

I wanted to speak to Antonio, I had so many questions going on. I wanted to block him out of my head, because I needed this to myself. Angelina? How odd that I never knew that. I did have bouts of confusion whenever I tried to think of my childhood. What happened when I was a child? How did I get here? What was planned for me? And why was I expected? 

Antonio sat me back on the bed, he rolled up his sleeves, allowing his canines to come down, and how bizarre they were. Long, so long and wide at top, thinner on the bottom. The points looking deadly as ever. He pierced his wrist while I jumped in agony over how they must feel. 

"Does that hurt?"

"Piercing my skin, or my teeth coming down?"

"Both, and how do you control your teeth?"

"It is a feeling, like picking your arm up to get a glass. You want the glass, and your arm just knows that it is reaching for it. Something like that. Yes, it stings badly. The pain ebbs away when you feed, and then returns when you are done, if I don't close it right away. Now, please latch on."

As soon as I got closer to his wrist, my desire flamed. I latched on with fever. The first taste was like a sweet wine. Then the desire to suck hard took over, and the taste disappated. I tried not to think of anything other than sustaining. Looking up into Antonio's eyes, the flame that I saw there was nothing to compare to the way her normally looked at me. Desire thick in his eyes, I didn't dare try to hear his thoughts, if he had any. I had a feeling my time at his wrist was up, for I did not have the desire to change our relationship. I quickly looked away, and latched off. I ran to the bathroom to clean up and put some space between us. Feeding from a male was very sensual, and I understood why Damion was angry that Antonio was doing it, but why wouldn't he?

"He is afraid."

I washed up and opened the door in haste.

"Antonio, you need to stop that! There are some thoughts that I have that I prefer you did not hear, or respond to. As well as I am sure that you feel the same!"

"I am sorry. They will teach you how to block some of it out when you attend the classes."

I contemplated what he said though.

"What is he afraid of?"

"I think he is afraid of a lot of things right now. He is going through his own challenges, and beside that.. He is afraid of hurting you, afraid of hurting himself. He is afraid of love, or what lies ahead. He is not as brave as you right now. He will be though, I promise. He will grow stronger, and learn more about you and himself. He will be the man that you need him to be, I am sure of it. We are starting to learn so much, and you heard the Queen- you will figure out so much more about yourself. I will help every step of the way. Even if at times I feel confused looking at you, I know that I am here to protect you. I am sure we will learn more about this connection as well. I know that I will be asking my own questions and try to find out what is going on between us."

"I will ask you one thing Antonio. One thing that I need for you to swear to. No secrets. If you find out anything, I need you to tell me. Don't hold back and do not keep secrets."

"I swear it. "

Antonio swore it without even blinking. That was good for me, at the least if he found anything out, he would tell me. I was not so sure about everyone else. Dante sure knew a lot about her, and she was sure that even though Damion was just as confused as she was, he must have known some things. I mean he was a vampire, so he for shit sure knew more than she did right off the bat. I had a n idea, as dangerous as I thought it was. I needed to see Dante. He had answers, and I knew he did. They would never let me see him, and I was too scared to go it alone. Which left me with one option, asking Antonio to come with. 


"No way, No fucking way!"

He read my thought again. 

"If you do not come with me, I will find a way to see him alone. I would rather not do that. I would feel safer if you were with me. I can't ask Damion because he has a bad temper. I need someone calm to just stand by while I speak to him, please Ant?"

"Ant? Haha, ok Angelina. I am already weak for you, let's go. Do not tell Damion that I agreed to this, he will behead me!"

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