Chapter 25

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I walked away.  I was so fucking done. I went straight down the stairs, and out of the fucking castle. Through the trees, to the only place that has ever made me feel at peace.


"Come here love." I stretched my arm out for her to move towards me. Dante, stood where he was. Too shocked to even reply to anything, let alone move.  I couldn't blame him. Something strange, and different was definitely going on with Damion. A side that not even his brother had seen before.

I let Damion leave on his own to clear his head, and get rid of some of his anger. He was full blown animal in there. Without moving, and with his eyes pitch black, he was able to take everything in, slowly. He took one look at what Dante was doing, and was able to fling him to the other side of the room; Telepathically. After Dante was away from Jo, he tilted his head, and watched her again, as an animal would. Not as prey, but with curiosity. He scared her, and that certainly scared him. He didn't know what was going on either. We needed to find out what the fuck was going on with him. Before he hurt someone, or himself. I knew one thing for certain. He would want me to keep Jo safe. I had my own need to anyway. I wish I knew what was with this girl, and the connection I felt. I also wish I knew what the fuck was going on. I think everyone felt the same right now.

"Come here Jo, it's okay. Come to me."

I coaxed her up from the floor, and straight into my arms. She flew towards me with so much force I thought she would knock me down. I thought she was crying for a moment. Her body shaking terribly. She was not. She was in too much shock to even show any emotions, but her body was shaking. I whispered in her ear to calm down, and knew that I had to remove her from this room.
"Jo, we need to get out of here." 

I whispered into her ear, while never taking my eyes of Dante. That mother fucker used to be the most unstable person I knew, now things had changed. Rolls had reversed. Damion, who once was the most calm person I had ever known, was morphing into someone unrecognizable, unpredictable.

I pulled her along side of me, and made my way to the room I was staying in. I shut the door, locked it. I moved her quickly to the bed, and wrapped a blanket over her shoulders. She needs clothes, I had to get her some for her.  Looking her over, I could see that son of a bitch Dante hurt her.

"Baby, look at me."

She wouldn't and I knew I had to be slightly harsh to pull her out of this state. I pulled her hair back, gently. Forcing her to make eye contact with me.

"I need you to tell me or show me where you are hurt."

I touched her cheek, seeing that she was hit there. I ran my fingers over it, knowing it was only a bruise, nothing more serious. Then to my horror, she moved the blanket off her shoulders. She was already in her bra and panties. She spread her legs so slightly, and I can see blood running down her legs, all over the bed, the blanket.

"Jesus Christ Jo."

I jumped up and pulled her up with me.Shock showing more on my end, than hers at the moment. Fearing the absolute worst, horror spread through me.

"What happened Jo, you have to talk to me. Please, I need to know what is wrong with you."

She shook her head up and down, as tears streamed down her face, causing her make up to run. Her hair wild and out of control. Eyes so lost and scared that it broke my heart. This moment, this very moment, I felt like I knew her. Like I was here with her before. 

"He hurt me, he bit me."

"He bit your vein. He must have tried to drain you, we have to stop the bleeding."

I watched the blood, running even faster now. I realized, while I was watching it, that I had no crave for her blood, it was like I was immune. That was new, strange. We were learning as we went here. 

"I need to check, but I am afraid. It's not right if you are someone else's. Please. I cant do this."

I sat her back down, and concentrated in my mind, following the scent of my prince. My mind raced through the forest outside the gates, and through out. All the way to the gardens and waterfalls that I knew he would travel to, He needed to ground himself how ever he could. Sure enough he was there. I transmitted as hard as I could. "She needs you now."

I let go, out of strength, and pulled Jo to me as we waited, attempting to push the blanket down on her, forcing her to put pressure on it, with my hand on hers pushing down.

"Please don't let me go Antonio."

"I wont. I wont."


I meditated for a long while. Removing everything from my mind. All thoughts with just a blank slate. Breathing in and out, with my fingers digging through the grass and into the ground.
I was pulled out by the slight breeze, and intrusion on my mind. Someone was trying to get in. Only few had that power. It was also not allowed, but I knew it was Antonio. "She needs you." Whispered with the wind.
She needed me, but I was scared. What if I hurt her, what if she remained scared of me.
I closed my eyes, and imagined myself in the space around her. I followed her scent. That's when I smelled blood. A lot of blood. It was hers, and I wondered what took place after I left her.
I transported next to her. She was laying in Antonio's arms while he rocked her back and forth, blood flowing down from between her legs, as they both tried to suppress it.

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