n i n e t e e n (Finale)

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The next day, I had a day off since the case closed.

So, I spent the entire day calmly without a rush to do anything, but that changes when I looked inside the office and on the floor by my desk was the box that I had yet to open.

Resisting my brain telling me to not open it yet, I went straight towards it, nothing could stop me from not opening it, so I did.

All I wanted to do was cry. There were no words for what was inside it.

Luckily, I was home alone since Faith was on her shift but just in case she missed something and had to come home, I took the box and went to my room so that I could pay attention to what was in it.

Taking out the first piece of paper, I read it out loud so that I could process it faster.

"I know you don't know who I am, so my name is Brian Fisher, I am a cop in the station 87, badge number 44468. While working on a case, I found these proof for the past couple of years but I couldn't say anything considering the difference in the status between units. In this box, there is my notes and newspapers and everything you need to confirm my suspicions about this matter."- The first note read.

I took out the next paper, this time it was from a newspaper where it talked about the murder of a known drug dealer in our jurisdiction. Everything, at first, was pointing to a drug-driven murder, nothing different from the usual.

Picking up the officers notebook, I started reading it to compare it to the newspaper I had just read. And it checks out, there was nothing different from the other crimes involving drugs, what confused me was the why this cop was so convinced that it wasn't that.

Apparently, the police gave up on that case, just like they usually do in every case involving this matter.

Moving from every news article in the box, at the very end, I found a photo that I recognized. It was a photo of me and Faith in a Police event, a few years ago.

So that drew my attention.

Remembering the date of that photo, I searched in the notebook for the same date. The entry was weird.

"Right before Officer Faith entered the event, I saw her throw something into a garbage can. Suspicious of this action, I went to get whatever she threw in there."

That day, Faith told me that she was late because of a case and paperwork, I didn't suspect anything, not only because she's my best friend and roommate but because that happened a lot to all of us.

"When I opened the lid, I could see so much blood in a woman's clothing and I could tell that it was hers because we had seen her wear it before."

"Everything started to make sense after that moment for me... I admit that I was scared and worried about accusing her of something like this, but all the pieces fitted perfectly"- He kept going.

I spent the next few hours looking through the entire box, the proofs, newspapers, everything, completely. The worst part is that I agreed with this Brian person. Everything pointed to Faith, without a doubt. There's no way for me to see if it was framed or if it was really her, so all I can do now is wait for her to mess up and tell me or show me what has been going on.

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