Part 10

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Thank you for everyone who commented on the last chapter and voted. It means a lot to me. I never anticipated continuing this story but I randomly got a notification from someone a month ago and that motivated me to keep going. The worst thing ever is incomplete stories! Also, if you guys need anyone to talk to about advice concerning life or anything even in these trying times- I am here! It's easier to talk to strangers :)

Disclaimer- There will be a few biblical references in this story since we're dealing with demons. If this bothers anyone sorry! Also, the boys and a few other characters will be portraying the 7 Deadly Sins. 


October 31st (Halloween) 1:03 am

"Because your soul smells absolutely delicious and I would love to devour it," He gave a lopsided grin with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

My mind went blank. I couldn't think straight. There were at least a million questions I had and I didn't know who to ask. This Harry the Clown guy was obviously dangerous and deranged. 

"What do you want with me?" I asked the clown, drawing in a shaky breath. 

Harry gave me an unimpressed look. He probably thought he answered that question already but his answers only led to more questions. I tried compromising with him so that he can stop harassing me. 

"Listen Mr. Clown-"

"Harry" He drawled cutting me off.

"Harry. I-I won't tell anyone about what happened tonight if you leave me alone" I winced at my small stutter. He terrified me and it was impossible to hide it. I've always been a scaredy-cat and that is why I hated this time of the year. Even wholesome movies like Hocus Pocus creeped me the fuck out. 

"And what exactly did we do tonight love?" Harry smirked. "As far as I'm concerned, you came to watch an exclusive circus," he arrogantly taunted.

He's right, the police wouldn't buy my story about Harry harassing me especially since I lack evidence. I had to think of a possible escape away from Harry. He was taller and stronger than me and there was no way I would be able to win this fight. 

"I'll call the cops," I shrieked. I looked around for possible escape routes but my actions were halted when I heard Harry let out a dry laugh at my desperate attempt at fleeing. 

I did the only thing I could think of. I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could and ran towards the exit.

I ran until my legs felt wobbly and my chest burned. 

"HARLEY!" Harry practically roared from a distance. I think my actions stunned him since I'm usually not a violent person and since he claims that he's been watching me all this time he would've figured that out by now. But there was no way on hell I was going to stay in that circus and have Harry kill me. 

I could feel the anger roll off of him in waves but I refused to look back. I was running for a good 30 minutes on the verge of practically fainting until I saw my house come into view. I really should invest in a car. I felt tears of relief and joy began to build-up as I fished out my key and ran into my dark house. I shut the door and turned on my alarm system.

"Sam?" I called out remembering Liam's call earlier in the night.

I made my way to his bedroom and let out a sigh of relief when I saw him in bed. Why did Liam call me earlier if Sam was okay? Did Harry hurt Liam? I dialed his number but it went straight to voicemail. I would have gone to look for him but it was almost 2 am and mom would be home in a few hours. I sent him a quick text asking him to call me back tomorrow.

I went into Sam's room and changed into one of his shirts and sweat pants. I refuse to enter my room tonight or be anywhere alone and made a resolve to sleep Sam's room for the next few nights since my room no longer felt safe. 

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