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Marisol hadn't been able to read, really read, in years. She forgot how much she enjoyed the smell of books and how the words could fabricate images in her head. Of course, she could read braille before, but it wasn't quite the same. Ever since she had lost her sight, she gave up pleasure reading. But now? She wanted to enjoy all things she missed while she could.

Sitting on the window seat in the living room, yes a window seat she didn't know they had, she could feel a hand grace her back. She glanced at the arm and then smiled at the veins that popped up under his skin, Strangely, it was a turn on. She looked up at him, staring a bit longer, taking him in as he would disappear soon. Well, in fact he would. She wouldn't be able to see his beautiful dark eyes or stubble once her babies her born. She tried to ignore that. Tried to focus on the here and now. The happiness she felt from seeing again.

"Are you okay?"

She nodded. "Yes, why?"

He walked toward her feet, sitting down. "I thought what the doctor said might have...made you sad."

"I'm not. I deduced that my eyesight had something to do with being pregnant with werewolf babies," she smiled at him, noticing his dark pants and dark blue shirt. She swallowed, noticing how his shirt contained against his shoulders. She was attracted to him before she could see him; his personality made him the sexiest man to her. But after seeing him, she had to admit she would jump him if she could.

Wait could she?

"So what do you say?"

She shook her head, confused. "Huh?"

"I asked if you wanted to go shopping. For the babies, I mean, and something else."

"Oh, yes! I would love to. Should we invite the others too? I know your mom wanted to help pick colors and Abigail wanted to shop for maternity clothes. My clothes are getting so tight on me."

"We can ask them."

"Where are they? Can I ask them myself?"

"They're at their house."

"They have their own home?"

"Yes, but it's really close. We can walk."

Marisol immediately stood and tucked her book into her bag. She practically grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house. She smiled as they walked through the trail. "I didn't realize that you really do live in a forest."

"Does it bother you?"

"No. It's beautiful."

"Would you mind living here? With me, maybe?"

Smiling, she shook her head, holding his hand in hers as she gazed above her up into the canopy. "Not at all. I'd live anywhere you wanted as long as you were there."

"While that is comforting, I want you to have a choice as well."

"I do," she said emphatically, "And I choose you." Marisol looked ahead, seeing the quaint cottage. Stones were leading to the entrance that was lined with lanterns and beautiful ferns. She could tell one of them worked hard on the landscape. As they climbed up onto the porch, Marisol knocked.

Carlisle opened the door. He smiled at them, especially at Marisol. "Come on in."

"Carlisle, your house is so pretty."

"Thank you, Marisol. I take it you're enjoying being able to see again."

"Of course," she said, smiling. "Now you really have no chance of beating me in chess."

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