22: Second Trimester

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Marisol laid on the familiar exam table with her shirt lifted above her stomach. Meredith was quiet for long periods of time as she ran the wand over her belly.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking closely for any warning signs on the ultrasound. No worries, Marisol. I see no abnormalities within any of the babies." Meredith cleaned off her stomach and asked her to pull her shirt back down. "I want to measure your stomach from here on out. It's important to monitor your growth. Sit up, please."

Marisol listened and Meredith took a fabric measuring tape, wrapping it around her stomach just across her naval. "You're about 25 centimeters, which is normal for triplets. I want you to come back weekly for a checkup. You may be feeling some pressure on your lower back so I suggest a maternity belt if it grows to be too much. Have you felt any movement yet?"

Marisol shook her head.

"Well you should very soon. At first it will feel like a flutter but eventually it will grow into kicks. Sometimes triplets kick to one another as a fetal response so expect a lot of movement. You will start to gain about a pound a week until delivery. You will see a lot of swelling, that's normal. Your libido may also fluctuate. It's perfectly safe and healthy to participate in sexual activities. You are halfway through your pregnancy, which is a big deal, Marisol. Get some pizza or chocolate to celebrate. Daily stretches will help with the swelling. You might want to start working on the baby registry as well. And now that you know the genders, maybe start decorating the nursery! I will print out a picture of the ultrasound for you to take home."

Meredith left and then returned with the ultrasound. Grey took it and laughed, leaning toward Marisol. "Our boys got something from me."

"What?" For a minute, she was unsure but then she laughed. "Oh."

"I do suggest stretching daily. Do you have any questions?"

Marisol shook her head and Grey helped her off the bed. They walked out of the building and into the car. Greyson drove them back to the house. When they arrived they went upstairs and watched Lion King, Marisol insisted.

However, when Mufasa clung to the cliff, and Marisol sobbed in his arms, Grey started to think he may have made the wrong decision. Marisol wet his shirt from her tears, screaming that even through she couldn't see, hearing was much worse.

"C-can you get me some water?"

He smiled, kissing her head. "Of course." As he walked to the door he turned around, remembering he had to talk to Marisol. "Dr. Meredith said you should work out a little. Do you know what you'd like to do?"

"No," she said, but he was right. She wasn't exactly super active now, but she did want to lose the baby fat quickly after birth. "I'll think about it."

Grey nodded as he left. As he grabbed a glass from the cabinet, he winced hearing shouts through his link. It was Nolan, screaming something that was incomprehensible.

Someone is on the eastern border.

He growled, frustrated that his time with Marisol was cut short. He had anticipated something to happen, he just didn't know when. Apparently, that day was today. Pushing himself away from the counter, he quickly linked Abigail and her two other guards to stay here. Abigail rushed into the living room as Greyson was about to leave.

"Do we know who it is?"

"No. Stay here with Marisol. I'll let you know what happens."

She nodded, watching as Grey took off out of the door. She ran up the stairs, soon joined by the other two women.

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