Chapter Fourteen

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"You little bitch" He whispers "where the fuck are your brothers" he adds.

"Woah, w..what are you doing?" I stutter, as his large hands hold me firmly against the lockers

"Just answer the fucking question" he seethes.

I look at him completely confused, why is he doing this. I nod in fear.

"O...outside" I tremble.

"You're going to pay for what your brothers did to my father" he says pushing harder "you just wait" he grabs my wrist and slowly begins to bend it.

"I..I don't know what you mean?" I say, tears brim my eyes "I don't know anything about my brothers business" I add.

"They beat him to an inch of his life!" He shouts "soon that will be you" his cold face soon grows a horrific smirk. He lets go of my hand and pushes me away.

"Don't you dare tell your brothers!" He says, slowly walking away.

I freeze, what the hell just happened. What did he mean that will be me and also who even is his father. I shrug and nervously begin to walk back outside, I hold my wrist as the throbbing pain begins to set in.

I quickly hide my fear with a large fake smile. I sit back between Grayson and Vincent and look towards the field.

"Who's winning?" I ask.

"The twins team" Grayson says, not bringing his eyes from the game.

I nod and look towards the field, where my brother is celebrating. The bleachers begin to cheer so i assume that we scored a touch down.

"Is your hand okay Evanna?" Vince asks.

I look down at my hand to see that I have been unconsciously rubbing it. My heart skips a beat as I remember what happened inside the school.

"Oh yeah it's fine" I lie smiling, hoping I will get away with it.

Vince raises his eyebrow, skeptical of my answer.

"It's obviously not fine" he says "otherwise you wouldn't have been rubbing it for the past five minutes" he adds, pointing down at my wrist.

"I just bumped it against the toilet door" i answer him.

I look towards the field and see my brother shake his head beside me. I gulp and shiver, I hate lying to my brothers but I also didn't want to get beat. I get interrupted out of my thoughts when Blake jumps up from behind me.

"Referee!" He shouts.

I follow his hand and look into the pitch. Xavier lays on the floor and another boy standing over him. Xander rushes up to the boy and pushes him onto the floor and begins to throw some hits.

"Fuck" Grayson mumbles, standing up and rushing into the field to stop the fight.

He grabs Xander by his jersey and pulls him to the side. Xavier gets up and brushes himself down.

The referee walks over to Xander and pulls a yellow card, signalling that Xander would need to leave the pitch for five minutes. Xander pulls off his helmet and slams it on the floor, he sits at the substitute bench and crosses his arms.

"See Evanna, this is why you should not take example from your brothers" Vince says "this pathetic behaviour will get you nowhere" he adds sternly, staring deeply into my eyes, sending a cold shiver down my spine.

I nod at him nervously.

"Understand?" He asks.

"Oh right yeah, I understand" I answer.

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