Chapter Five

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"Is there a problem?" Grayson asks, his eyes growing dark

"And who are you" Sadie flirts, flipping her blonde curly locks

"Im her older brother, now if you would kindly leave" he states harshly

"O...older brother?" she asks confused staring at me

"Yes, now do you need anything?" he asks, his voice sounding identical to Vince's intimidating voice

"No" she says, turning on her heels and walking out the door

Grayson turns to me "Who were they?" he asks

"Oh just some girls from Arizona" I mention

"Were they bothering you?" he asks, his eyes staying on them as they giggle outside the windows

"No it's fine, they were just saying hi" I lie

"Are you sure Evanna?" he asks meeting my eyes

"Yes, I'm sure Gray, don't worry" I say

"I do worry though, your my little sister" he says looking me in the eye

My heart immediately melted, maybe it wasn't so bad having older brothers. He hands me my wrap and we start eating. I stare down at it, then at my legs. Maybe I shouldn't be eating this, I guess Sadie's right they are a little big.

I look down towards my wrap, I quickly check the amount of calories, 350. That's a lot. I decide to only eat around half of my wrap and make out I will eat the rest later. Once we are both done, we make our way back down to the car, thankfully Sadie and her minions were gone so I didnt have to deal with them again.

"Hey now don't go telling your brothers we had Chik-fil-a" Grayson warns a smirk forming on his face

"Why? because its unhealthy?" I ask confused

He looks at me and laugh "No bambina, because they are going to be so jealous"

We stare at each other for at least a minute and the laughter erupts, Grayson places his hands on his knees to try and calm his laughter down

"I'm so going to tell them" I joke knowing full well I wouldn't have the balls to tell them

"You dare" Grayson threatens, a huge smile making its way to his face

"What you gonna do?" I say placing my hands on my hips and smiling

"Ahh come here little missy" he shouts

Hr grabs me by the waist and pulls me over his shoulder so my face is near his butt.

"Ewww Gray, put me down!" I whine over the giggles

"Nope" he says as he jogs all the way to the car, with me dangling over him

He puts me down next to the car and begins to chuckle

"That wasn't funny" I fake pout

"Hmmm, so you giggle non stop isn't funny?" he asks, mimicking the hips on the waist

"That doesn't count" I say holding back another burst of laughter

Grayson playfully rolls his eyes as he unlocks the car, allowing us to get inside. Once we get in he turns to me with a smile.

"I always used to do that with you when you were younger, you would have the exact same reaction" he says quietly, thinking about the memory

"I wish I could remember" I sigh, giving Grayson a small smile

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