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I was madder then hell, I was also hurt. How my father could talk to me like that was unbelievable, he was the one to tell me to build a bond between my wolf wanting our mate and my alpha instincts, then he goes and blows up on me like that didn't make any sense. I wanted to run, far far away from here, which is basically what I did. I ran until I came to our borderline of our pack and another packs territory. Before anyone could spot me I turned back and headed toward home but I stopped between there and the borderline. I didn't want to be home, at least not right now.

I stood in a clearing of the forest, my heavy breathing was the only noise to be heard. I felt the anger in me boiling over before I let out a howl and took a swipe at a tree, almost cutting it down. Being in my wolf form my wolf had a worse temper then I did and she was trying to let out the anger, but it seemed to only make it worse, I ended up lunging at the tree and with my force it brought it down to where only a stump was left. I laid on the tree, trying to regain composure until I couldn't I continued to lay on the tree when I felt tears forming in my eyes that my vision quickly went blurry. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I started whimpering in wolf like sobs as I covered my eyes with my paws as the tears continued to fall.

It was as if the goddess herself was crying for me as well because a loud crack of thunder and lighting cast a shadow that flashed against the trees, then came the heavy rain that within seconds soaked my fur to the bone. I started to shiver from the cold wind that started after the rain began to pour. I honestly did not care, I was still seething mad and it was almost like a steam was rolling off me even with the coldness from the weather.

I wasn't for sure how long I was staying in the spot I was in before and during the storm, but the rain had started to slow down to a sprinkle and the noise of water dripping from the leaves and the wind blowing through the forest was the only noise to be heard. I finally removed my paws from my face, and stood up. I hopped down from the log, and shook myself of water. It didn't do much of a difference due to my fur was just plain soaked from the rain. I looked up to the sky and noticed it was almost dark, I had at least been there five hours. I had blocked all communication between the mindlinks so that I would be left alone.

I didn't want to go home, my wolf begged me not to but I knew I had to face what I was avoiding. I also knew Julien was most likely there, so my wolf had one reason for us to go. I started off with a walk, before it turned into a trot, then a canter to a full blow run back to the pack house.

I arrived there when the night had finally taken over, at least this horrible day was just about done. I transformed back into my human form as I set onto the back porch before making my way in the house. I made my way up to my bedroom, once there I noticed a human form sleeping in my bed, and by the scent of them it was someone who I wanted nothing more to do with then run away from this nightmare.

I slipped out of my wet clothes, and went into my bathroom. I closed the door before turning on the light so that I wouldn't wake Julien from his peaceful slumber. I turned on the water in my shower, adjusted the water temperature and stepped in letting the water warm my cold skin. I could feel tears forming again and before I could stop them I felt the stinging effect of salt running down my cheeks, it was then I felt my knees getting weak and I slowly slid down to the floor of the shower. I sat there on my knees and continued to silently cry.

I must have been in there a while because when I finally noticed I was still in the shower the water had finally turned ice cold, I slowly got to my feet and quickly finished bathing before turning the water off and stepping out to grab a towel. I finished drying off before putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top that was in one of the cabinets that I kept there for extras. I turned the light out and exited, and slowly made my way to my bed.

I climbed in, and started to get comfortable when "You were in there for a long time, are you okay?" Julien's voice came through the darkness of my bedroom.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I lied.

"I was worried about you, I was going to come look for you when your mother told me you and your father got into a argument."

"I just needed time to myself. I didn't want to take my feelings out on you." This time I didn't lie but I silently cursed my mother for telling Julien about what had happened, I'm sure she didn't tell him any details though or when I returned I would have heard about a brawl between Julien and my father.

"You know I am here for you Aurora, I am suppose to be your rock and shoulder to cry on." He wrapped his arms around my frame. "You never have to hide your feelings from me." He nuzzled his head into the back of my neck where his nose was against the crook of my neck.

"Would you take my place?" The question that escaped my lips even surprised me.

"I am not sure what you mean?" Julien had lifted his head, I could feel his gaze on me.

"We are mated, technically by wolf law you are now the alpha sense I was suppose to be alpha. Would you take my place?"

"Aurora" he started out, I felt a hand cup my cheek and a thumb caress the place under my eye where my dark circles are sure there by now.

"I would never take your place, I don't give a damn what law says. This place is meant for you, I will stand by your side how ever you need me to. This pack belongs to you, I am just here to love you and support you like a mate should. I would never overthrow you."

His words made my broken heart piece back together, my wolf howled happily and lovingly. Without hesitation I wrapped my arms around Julien's neck and buried myself as close to him as I could. I felt so lucky to have someone who supported me like he does, I also praised the goddess for giving me such a wonderful man to spend the rest of my days with.

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