¡•The Flower That Grew In Cement•¡

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It could brighten anybody's day

Glaring so bright into the sky

The light reflects off it as it hits

As if trying to escape from its radiance

A radiance that would make even a blind
man see it's ray of light

It was sad that it could not be moved

For it was planted in cement

It's A rarity for a flower to grow when the soil is cement

Making it a one in a million flower

A flower that not even the rich could

It was priceless

No money

Could pay for that flowers suffering

Agonizing pain

For what it been through to grow in such a place of hardship

The cuts and bruises it endured

That one flower has now blossomed into something so breathtaking no one could have imagined

The flower that grew in the cement is now

A flower of Strong will and confidence and is living it's best life

And will continue living

Until it cannot live anymore


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