=••Main Attraction••=

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People are starting to realize I exist

I don't know if that's a good or bad thing

They walked right pass me everyday and didn't even know I was there

I was practically invisible

But now

Now they're starting to notice

Notice that I'm there

I'm the one that doesn't really talk to anyone

I'm the one that doesn't really make eye contact

I'm the one that always walks alone

I'm the one that always eats alone

No one never noticed before but now they do

All their stares starting to drill holes into my entire body while I walk by

It makes me uncomfortable

It makes me sweaty and nervous

I feel like I'm gonna have a anxiety attack, panic attack,
A whole mental breakdown

It's too much

Too much attention

What could've caused this

Why can't they go back to lives and leave me alone

I miss how it use to be

How I use to be invisible

But now it seems like I'm the main attraction


Death With No Coffin { Poetry/Quotes/Solace }Where stories live. Discover now