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Two years before

I go to my room and get changed. Last night Wayland rejected me. It's nothing new really, yes I dreamed that he would accept me but reality is he would never.

I'm a big girl, a little rejection isn't going to keep me down. No, it's going to make me want to work harder to be better.

When I got outside Nick was standing there with a guy next to him. This guy looked a little like Nick with red eyes with some grey.

"Winter I would like you to meet my brother Draven," Nick smile like he was proud to introduce this Draven guy to me.

"King of Demons, known for having cold heart and worst for punishing those who have down him or his people wrong," I've heard of him just never seen him. He was known for being everywhere and no where all at once.

"Winterria-Rose, demon princess known for seducing men as well as woman and getting whatever she needs. Youngest to graduate the academy, beautiful, smart. Controls the Hounds of Rogues, as well as the future Queen of Rogues," his voice was like honey mixed with poison. Nice but promises death in the end.

"Looks like I wasn't needed here," Nick mumbles," we wanted to see how your doing after last night with the rejection thing."

"I'm fine, I never had him so I didn't really loose him. I set him free you know what they say once you see a greedy man free he'll take, take, take until he realises what he really needs he can't have anymore, because in the process of taking he let go," I explain to them.

"True, but the man may come back once he realises the value of what he had," Draven started," it will be up to the treasure if to let him have it or find someone more worthy,"

"That's true as well," Nick said then point at me."Well this treasure will give him hell if he ever comes back," I nod my head knowing it's the truth.

We spend the rest of the morning talking, Drave and I got to know each other more. He was really a calm guy but I can see the danger that is in his eyes. He looked at me like he knows me, not like we just met. I feel the same way for some strange reason.

Once night came Nick left to go sleep. I looked at Draven, before I knew it were at the river.

"Why did you do that?" 

"I wanted to get to know you more, Winter," he sat on a rock. He took off his shoes before dipping his feet into the water.

I sat next to him before doing the same. As soon as I do I feel a fire run through my viens, my heart starts to beat slowly. I could hear voice, I quickly remove my foot and look at him.

"You'll get use to it after some time. The voices are the guardian of balance. They like to mess with us special people from time to time."

"You mean royals?"

"No, I mean special people, you can control hounds, your wolf changes colour as well as your some other things,"

"You know about my wolf how?"

"They told me," for some reason I didn't want to know more, I was content with his answer.

We stayed quiet for some time. I dip my feet back in and let the voice comfort me. They weren't even talking English it was strange but I knew that if I wanted I could understand.

"You'll be queen in three years. Once you are twenty-one years old. Many people can't wait to see what your time on the crown will bring, such as myself."

"I'm ready, the only thing is that most want me to be married or at lease engaged when I do."

"You don't need a husband or fiance to run a kingdom, I can't tell how the future will turn out but I know you'll be great," I look at him to see he was looking down at the water. His eyes were moving like he could see something that I didn't.

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