•chapter thrity four•

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I'm not a baby!

Right. Ok. I can do this!

I slide my shirt off and luckily I wore a cute bra and panty set. For no reason... it just makes me feel more confident.

I wore a light baby blue lace set that has a little white bow in the middle of the bra and on the top of the underwear. I look back up to Grey and he looks at me with a heated look.

"I-Is it cold?" I ask while covering most of my body with my arms and hunching over.

"No." He says too quickly.

I come close and dip my toe slightly. It is cold! This butt says it's not, but it's practically below- zero freezing!

"Just get in." He states.

I pretend his words don't make me feel some type of way, and head towards the water. I walk down further and further. From my toes to my hips I'm turning into a popsicle. I walk towards Grey and watch as the water goes up and up until it reaches my ear. I look up to him as the water only reaches his chest.

"Grey." I struggle to say.  My neck strains to stay above the water line and my feet kick below me.

His hands go to my waist and hang dangerously low as he pulls me up to the surface.

"It's pretty right?" I ask looking at the waterfall behind Grey. It's big and loud and cancels all the noises the world produces. Car horns are no longer honking and people talking loudly on their phones are no where to be found. It's just the two of us and one big beautiful waterfall.

Grey doesn't look anywhere but my face and I feel like I have a giant bug on it or something.

I bring my gaze back to him and ask "Is there and bug on my face?" I feel around my face in anticipation.

"No." He shakes his head.

"Then what is it?" I whisper.

He doesn't even answer as his lips press on mine dominating mine. I moan slightly as he moves his hands down further and brings me toward him.

"Fuck." He says breaking the kiss.

Do I kiss bad? "W-What's wrong." I look down at his chest.

"Violet you do things to me." He chuckles lowly.

"Like what?" I say running my hands on his chest.

"I want to fuck you right here, right now." He says in my ear.

I freeze.

"Grey!" I shout, flustered.

How do words like that come out of him and yet he has no reaction or any second thoughts? I'm speechless.

"hmm I love the way you say my name." He groans.

"Grey- I-I'm a. Um I" Spit it out Violet! "I'm a virgin!" I blurt.

"Fuck Violet."

I knew it! I knew it would be a turn off...

"That makes me want you even more." He growls in my ear.

I shiver slightly in his arms and bring my lips to his. It's a little hard as I have to push my body up to meet his lips. He responds almost immediately and his fingers trace my hips. He bends his neck so I don't strain my neck. I wrap my legs around him and press harder on him.

Him and I fight for dominance for a little but I give up and he wins. He bites my lip which shocks me and little and freezes me.

I'm so affected by him it's dangerous.

I'm not really a writer of these scenes but decided to give it a try.. what did y'all think??? (editing yrs later and cringe asf)


Violet Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon