•chapter twenty three•

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Walking into school I spring with a little pep in my step.

"Hey amigo!" I jump onto Grey's back as a greeting.

"Why are you so energetic." His boring monotone deep voice asks.

"Because," drag out. "Today I'm am setting you up with Opal!" I declare loudly to him.


"Isn't her name just so pretty! Just like her!" I gush. "Ugh, you would be the perfect fit for her." I wink.


"I just think with a little date and a nice talk you, two will get along just fine." I ramble, completely ignoring him.

"No." He says sternly looking deeply into my eyes. Which may or may not have caused a slight shiver down my spine.

"why." I whisper partly scared of him, but I would never tell him that.

"Violet do-"

"V." I cough interrupting him.

"Violet." He emphasizes. "I'm not. Interested." He slams his locker shut.

"Oh! I'm sorry, do you like boys?" I ask looking up at him.

"goddamnit." He turns to walk away.

"you do?" I ask trying to catch up to him. His long legs make it hard to catch up.

"No. Fuck, why do you fucking care." He snaps at me.

"Because... well, I want you to be happy with someone." I smile up at him. I'm just making crap up.

"I'm fine." He says like a girl who's been asked that all day.

"No you're not." I shake my head.

"Violet I'm already interested in someone, and I don't need you playing matchmaker for me."

"You do! Who?" I jump up and down.

"Like I'll fucking tell you."

Slightly offended I wince at the way he says 'you'.

"Fine." I say and debate on whether to stomp away.

"Stop biting your lip."

I release my lip unaware I was even bitting it in the first place.

"Or what?" I challenge him.

He walks away and I'm so infuriated.

"You wanted to be friends! So I'm trying to be a good friend! Why can't you accept my matchmaking abilities." I whimper the last part.

"Get to class. The bell is about to ring." He yells back.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and turn on my heel.

Glancing up at the clock I realize have one minute to get to class.  Crap. I pick up my speed slightly, and once Grey is out of sight I sprint.

I wouldn't want to show him he's right about me being late to class.

"You're late Miss. Jenson."

"Sorry Mr. Langton." I say defeated.

I take a seat in my chair only for Kyle to lean over.

"I never took you as a bad girl Jenson." He says a little to close. I can feel his hot breath on my ear.

"Get away Kyle." I state, and focus my attention back to Mr. Langton.

"Kyle she's not interested." Opal backs me up.

Opal is in this class? Perfect! my matchmaking abilities might be back on track.

Oh! wait- Grey said he was interested in someone.

I need to crack that Grey. He's to mysterious! It confuses me 24/7.

Who does Grey like?


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