Chapter 24

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She was in pain.

I could feel it. I could feel it everytime he hurt her. And I couldn't do anything about it.

I roared in anger as I felt a seering pain on the small of my back. It felt like she was being burned. And it was excruciatingly painful.

I could easily cut off the link and stop feeling her pain. But I didn't want to. I wanted to feel what she was going through. I wanted to feel as if I was there with her somehow.

"Alpha! Are you okay?" Arturo burst into my office looking at me kneeling in the middle of the trashed and dirty room.

I felt his hands on my shoulder and snarled at him. "Get off of me!" I yelled and he backed away carefully.

"Micah... we can't find her. Her scent has dissapeared." His voice reached through to me. He sounded far away. The voices in my head were crowding my thoughts and I couldn't calm them.

"Look again! They couldn't have dissapeared off the face of the earth. FIND HIM!" I roared.

"How did you know the rogues were attacking?" Arturo asked, frowning.

"Molly came and got me." I said shivering as I felt my wolf snarl and claw to get out. My body shook as I tried to calm him.

"But sir... how did she know?" He asked softly.

My eyes widened in realisation as I felt another scorching hot burn on my back.

Another roar of anger left my throat as I fell forward on all fours, a tear slipping from my eye.


An ear piercing scream left my lips as he conected the burning iron to my lower back for the fourth time.

"A." He said lowering the rod into the fire.

My body was shaking uncontrolably and I couldn't stop the sobs from escaping my lips anymore.

My body was in agony, and my legs had given out around the second time he connected the rod to my back. His two minions that always seemed to follow him around had taken my shirt off, leaving my back exposed while they held onto my arms as I kneeled on the ground.

"Oh stop your sobbing will you?! This is the last letter." Regan spat and I let out another scream as he connected the rod to my skin, trashing around in his minions' arms to break free of their grasp.

"N." he said happily, removing the rod from my back. I slumped forward and the two guys holding me let me go, causing my body to fall on the ground.

I sobbed, watching my tears fall onto the cement as the stench of burning flesh filled my nose.

"Look at how pretty it looks." He mumbled in awe as his fingers roughly pressed against my burnt flesh.

"No!" I cried feeling the pain worsen at his touch. I trashed around trying to get away from him, but he sat down ontop of my butt and pressed his other hand between my shoulder blades to keep me down.

His fingers resumed to trace the burns on my back and the pain shot through me like I was lying in a puddle of lava.

"What did you do to me?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper as the tears kept falling down my cheeks.

"Why princess... I branded you. Like a farmer would brand his cow?" He said and I could practically hear his sickening smirk. "I've imprinted my name onto your skin. So everyone will know who you belong to now."

A sob fell from my lips and he got off of me.

I took the opportunity and with every last bit of strength I possesed, I crawled away from him. Wanting to get as far away as I could.

"Don't worry princess. Tomorrow night is the full moon and it will all be over once I've claimed you." He said staring at me.

I sat up slowly against the wall and hugged myself, trying to cover my naked chest with my arms.

"I will never be yours." I whispered with a shaky breath, trying to stop the tears from falling any further.

"Micah? Where are you?" I tried comunicating through the link, but there was nothing but static. "Please find me."

"We'll see about that darling." He said and rubbed the dirt off his pants.

"Take her to my room. Lock the door." He ordered and the two men grabbed my arms and hoisted me up.

"No! Let go of me!" I roared, but they didn't listen. I trashed around in their arms and tried yanking myself out of their grip.

They dragged me out of the cemented room and into the hallway. "He'll kill you both!" I threatened. They snickered and stopped in front of the door at the end of the hallway.

"He'll never find you." The one with the blonde hair scoffed.

They opened the door and threw me inside.

I landed on the ground with a thud and my body shook as I cried from the pain and humiliation.

The locked the door and I was once again left in the darkness.

How much of this will I have to endure before Micah finds me? It's only been two days and I'm on the vurge of giving up.

"It's almost time."

The voice sounded musically in my ears and I gasped, sitting upright glancing around me to see if I was alone or not.

I've heard that voice before.

It was the same voice I heard that told me to command the rogues to stoo when theh attacked Micah.

"It's almost over."


I know this chapter is short guys but it's almost over with the whole being taken captive thing.

Bare with me.

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