Chapter 23

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Disbelief was probably evident on my face as I stared at the man in front of me.

"Luna." He mumbled weakly as blood dripped down his chin from his mouth.

Byron was tied to a chair in the centre of the room, bloodied and bruised. His shirt was ripped into pieces, hanging off his body revealing long and deep cuts on his chest and torso.

"What did you do to him?!" I spat at Regan, rushing to Byron.

I knelt in front of him and took his face in my hands, trying to get a reaction from him.

"Oh he'll be fine." Regan muttered and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me away from Byron.

I yelped in pain as he dragged me across the room and threw me against the wall.

I hissed in pain as my arm connected with the wall and slid down to the ground, glaring at him.

Regan walked over to Byron and punshed him square in the jaw. Byron's head fell back and rocked forth lazily.

"Waky waky!!!" Regan barked maniacaly.

Byron spit the blood out of his mouth and his eyes met mine from across the room. "Are you alright, Luna?" He asked softly.

"I'm fine Byron!" I gasped with wide eyes, seeing the colour fade out of his face.

"Oh so romantic. Now let me explain princess. Your Gamma over here is quite the tracker! He found me. I don't know how... But he did." Regan said, glaring at Byron.

"And I couldn't have him running back to my brother and spill all my secrets now could I?" he said, a chuckle escaping his lips.

"You're a monster!" I spat, slowly standing up and leaning against the wall for support.

"I know... But a sexy one right?" He asked, waggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Why am I here, Regan?!" I demanded, staring at him square in the eyes, hoping to elicit the same reaction of submission I get from Micah.

Regan frowned and shifted uncomfortably as his eyes flickered to the ground momentarily.

"The answer to that question is farely simple." He mumbled turning his back to me. He laughed and shook his head. "You're here, to become my mate."

My eyes widened as he turned back to me, careful not to look into my eyes.

"If you mark me, it will kill me Regan!" I said in a panicked voice.

"That would be how it usually works. But I have the beautiful Athena who can counter that and keep you alive. The same way I stayed alive when my mate was killed." He said.

He walked over to me and pressed his body against mine, trapping me against the wall. I squirmed against him, trying to wiggle myself out of his hold.

"With you by my side as my mate and with your power to command wolves... I'll be unstopable." He said, his face inches from mine.

"I will never help you control anyone." I spat. "That's where you're wrong princess. You won't have a choice." He said smirking.

He leaned closer and burried his head in my neck. He inhaled deeply and moaned. "And it's just a bonus that you're so sexy." He whispered.

I brought my knee up hard and connected it with his groin. He let out a cry of pain and bunched over, cupping his manhood.

"Fucking bitch!" He yelled. He recovered a lot more quickly then I thought. He shot up and grabbed me by my throat.

He pushed me up the wall and squeezed, cutting off all my air supply. "Luna!" Byron yelled, struggling against his restraints.

I clawed at Regan's hand, trying to relief some of the pressure as I choked violently.

Regan snarled at me, baring his canines threateningly as his body shook.

"Are you gonna do that again?" he asked calmly, his body trembling as he tried controling himself.

"N-no!" I gasped out.

And then he let go, allowing me to fall to the ground with a thud. I gasped for breath, clutching my throat as I stared at Regan with wide eyes.

"Two more nights untill the full moon, Princess. I hope you're ready for me." He said, smiling down at me. Just then the door opened and Regan glared.

"What do you want?!" Regan spat.

I looked up and gasped when I saw Molly.

"Alpha, they've been sniffing around the caves. I'm worried they'll catch her scent." She said, looking at the ground submissively.

My eyes widened. Alpha? What the hell is going on??

"M-Molly?" I asked softly, hoping my eyes and ears were deceiving me.

Her eyes traveled to me and she frowned, taking in my appearance. She quickly looked away and waited for Regan to say something.

"Take Micheal and go get Athena. Have her mask the caves. I'll be there shortly." Regan said.

"Yes, sir." Molly said and dissapeared through the door. I was dumbfounded. Shocked.

Was she the one who brought me here?

"Shocked?" Regan said smirking.

I didn't answer him.

"Don't be. Molly has always been a loyal little sister." Regan said, studying my face for any sign of emotion. But I refused to show any.

I still didn't say anything, but only stared down at the ground, trying to figure out how I missed it. How did I miss that Molly was a traitor?

"Are you ignoring me now?" He asked impatiently.

I kept quiet. I wasn't going to indulge in his petty games.

He scoffed and walked towards me. "Fine." He said and the last thing I saw before I blacked out was the bottom of his boot, connecting painfully with the side of my head.


Who guessed it was Molly you guyss?!?!?!

Vote and comment if you like the story you guyss!


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