A Date?//Osamu

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"I'm done with this".

There it was. Both you and your boyfriend expected this sooner or later. With Atsumu, it was inevitable. An afternoon study session on a weekend over at the Miya household never ends well.

"Atsumu, it's only been 20 minutes." You said, trying to encourage him to continue.

"Not even. At most it's been 15 minutes."

You slightly glared at your boyfriend for his remark. Finals was right around the corner and with Atsumu's current attitude, passing was going to be a challenge. You made it your personal goal to make him pass, which means that ultimately, you will be spending more time with him than with his twin. And at this point, Osamu was not liking it one bit. Lately he's been more easily agitated than usual. Seeing his girlfriend spending more time with his more charismatic twin did not sit well with him.

Getting up, he grabbed your hand and made you stand up from the table the 3 of you were currently situated at. "We're leaving" he said as he dragged you towards the door of the living room.

You abruptly stopped and twisted out of his hold, confusion written on your face. "Where are you going? We barely started."

"Out. I'm taking you out." Came his short reply as he calmly took your hand again, attempting to leave.


"Hold on. You're just gonna leave me here? To go on a date?!" Atsumu stared at Osamu incredulously.

Osamu stared back, face void of emotions if it wasn't for the small flame of challenge and obvious glare in his eyes. "I believe a date means to hangout with the person you're in a relationship with. The last time I checked, you weren't in this relationship."

Speechless, Atsumu could only stare as he watched his dark haired twin leave the room and eventually the house with you.


"Are you sure it's alright to leave him like that?"

"He can take care of himself."

The two of you decided to take a walk in a park. It was still early so many kids and families were out and about, enjoying the day. Some time during your walk, you felt Osamu slowly slide his hand down your arm and lacing his fingers with yours. A subtle gesture sure, but it's these small gestures that really made your heart flutter inside. You knew your boyfriend wasn't big on PDA so it were these moments that truly made you feel like you fell in love with him all over again.

Lost in your thoughts, you didn't hear the ringing of a bell that warned pedestrians of cyclists passing through. Before your mind could even process it, you felt a hand around your shoulder and another grab your arm. Pulling you towards him and switching positions, you watched as Osamu maneuvered you out of the way of the cyclist with the upmost grace. You felt Osamu slip his hand into yours once again, pulling you out of the trance.

Looking down with a slight blush of your face, you muttered a small 'thank you' before resuming your walk. With your eyes cast downwards, probably still embarrassed by the incident, you didn't notice the little glances Osamu gave you. He always wondered why you chose him over his more extraverted, charismatic counterpart. Not that he was complaining though. He knew you were special the moment you identified him from his twin, when they purposely dressed the same, spoke the same and had the same hair style. He knew at that moment, that he couldn't lose you to his brother.

When Atusmu told him that he had a crush on you, he felt something burn inside of him. It wasn't just competition he felt. It was jealousy. Even though he knew that Atsumu said that as a joke and only said it as a way to rile him up, he hated the thought of you being with someone else. So he couldn't explain the emotions he felt when you finally confessed. First thing he did was to bring you in front of his brother and stick his tongue out at him. Childish, he knew, but he couldn't help rubbing the fact that he was no longer single in Atsumu's face. After all, they made a bet to see who would be out of the single lifestyle first. And because you were finally his, but that wasn't important at the moment.

The two of you entered a ice cream shop right across the street from the park. You stared at the amount of options available, feeling slightly overwhelmed. After staring and taste testing about ten of them, you came to the ultimate conclusion that.........you couldn't choose. Osamu silently watched you, a small smile appearing on his lips as he watched you struggle between which flavour to pick. He made his way towards the cash register and placed his order before paying.

Moments later, a double scoop on a cone appeared in front of you with the person holding it silently licking his own. You grabbed the cone from his hands before walking towards him and kissed his cheek.

"I'll pay you back someday." You said before you broke out into a huge grin and tried your own ice cream. Osamu lightly chuckled at the way your eyes lit up comically (Almost like in anime but pshhh thats impossible-) as you felt the ice cream melt on your tongue, flavours too good for your tastebuds to handle. The two of you chose a table to sit at and engaged in random conversations as you both continue to finish your ice cream. While you were rambling on and on about little things, Osamu was staring at you with a soft look in his eyes with the occasional hum or small laugh to indicate that he was listening. And he was listening. To every little bit and detail. Because to him, every little bit about you was important, as they were what makes you the person he loves so much right now.

The ringing of your phone stopped your one sided conversation as you took out your phone to see who the caller was. 'Atsumoomoo' it read. You showed the caller ID to your boyfriend.

"If you pick that up, I am going to throw the phone into the river." He said, annoyed that his twin was trying to ruin his day yet again.

"NOOOOOOOO!" You wailed as you held your phone tightly against your chest. You immediately declined the call. "There. Nothing to worry about. He's dead to me." You said, faking seriousness, as you drawled your hand in front and across your throat.

After finishing your ice cream, you decided to go to the mall, wanting to pick something out for your cousin's upcoming birthday and maybe a little something for yourself too. After going through basically every single store, you finally found a gift that you were satisfied with. Happy with your purchase, you exited the store with a slight bounce in your step. Roaming around the mall once again, you decided to window shop some more and purchasing some little trinkets here and there that caught your eye. Osamu was quietly following you with the bags in his hands -which he silently took from you- as you hopped around from store to store, acting like a little kid at an amusement park. You weren't a materialistic person but you enjoyed looking at the different styles of clothing and the little gadgets that seemed interesting. Eventually, you guys passed by a volleyball store. You glanced at Osamu, silently asking if he wanted to check it out. The two of you later came out after Osamu decided to purchase a new pair of knee pads.

By the time you and Osamu arrived at your house, the sky was dark and it was late. You convinced Osamu to stay the night. The house was empty due to your parents being on a business trip overseas. As you placed the bags on the down on the living room counter after taking them from Osamu, you felt 2 strong arms wrap themselves around your waist. Osamu nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck as you moved around some stuff and organized the things you bought today. Osamu stayed clinging on to you, making the move towards your bedroom difficult. After reaching there, you went to the closet and took out some of his clothes which he sometimes leaves behind from previous visits. After picking out your own clothes, you were about to tell Osamu to shower first but couldn't start the sentence as you were getting pushed into the bathroom.

After you were done, Osamu grabbed his things and made his way into the bathroom. You felt the fatigue catching up on you as you moved towards your bed. Yawning, you crawled under the covers and shuffled to the left of the bed, knowing that Osamu liked to take the right.

It wasn't long before Osamu stepped out of the bathroom, dressed with a towel around his neck. Noticing your asleep figure on the bed with your back facing him, he removed his towel and made his way towards the bed. Quietly slipping under the covers, he turned off the lamp and hooked an arm around you, pulling you against him. Gently moving your hair out of the way, he placed a small kiss on your neck and another one on your exposed shoulder before letting himself slowly drift to sleep as well.
Summer is still a while away but ice cream waits for no one. Got any ice cream flavour suggestions?

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