When You Get Jealous

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You new what you were getting into when you agreed to date the most popular boy in Aoba Johsai but you can never get used to the never ending looks of complete adoration from the hormonal teenagers in your school. Yes teenagers. Not just teenage girls but teenagers in general. Oikawa is enough to make even the guys drool. You were going to a cafe one day with your boyfriend for a date. Your waitress, unfortunately, was female. A very try hard female, completing the combo with extreme stilettos, fake nails, and a ghastly amount of makeup. And like any other girl that lays eyes on Oikawa, she was unable to tear her eyes away. You braced yourself when she opened her mouth. It was seriously high pitched you thought she was a whistle. Oikawa on the other hand was unfazed. Actually, he has shown no interest in the banshee-turned-woman at all, nothing besides the usual polite smile. "What would you like today?" She asked, totally ignoring your presence directing the question for Oikawa and Oikawa alone. "Earl grey tea with milk and 1 sugar please" you said, completely unfazed when the waitress turned to subtly glare at you. "Sorry but I was asking this gentleman here first. Please wait your turn." She said, feigning politeness than even a blind person can see through. You clenched your fists, trying hard not to lose your temper. Oikawa looked at you worriedly, knowing how you are feeling right now. Underneath the table, he softly brushed his leg up against you, trying to soothe your growing anger. It was working. 'Calm down Y/n, you won't look good dressed in prison stripes' you thought to yourself as Oikawa placed the same order as you. After the waitress leaves, you relax and turned back to Oikawa who's looking at you. "We can leave if you want" he said. You shook your head. "We already ordered. It's fine." It wasn't long before the annoying banshee came back with your orders. You were half surprised that she even remembered what it was. Placing the cups down, she gave a wink to Oikawa who downright ignored her, still looking at you, admiring your soft features in the glow of the afternoon light. Turning around, she scowled at you before making her way back. After you were both done, the two of you were about to leave before Oikawa noticed a small slip of paper beneath the cup. Picking it up, you can tell from where you're standing that they were numbers. Grabbing your hand, he led you towards the door, stopping by a trash can to dispose of the paper. You stopped him. He looked at you with confusion written in his eyes. "Wait outside for me. It won't take long." And without another word, you grabbed the paper from him and marched right back to the stupid, stupid woman who messed with the wrong person. You got right in her face, glaring at her. "You know, for someone so idiotic, you certainly have guts." You smiled at her through gritted teeth. The waitress had a look of fear in her eyes. Yeah you better be scared. "I can't tell if your stupid or blind but that guy there that you were shamelessly flirting with is my boyfriend. I know you can't get one yourself but please refrain from shoving your seriously flat chest into other people's boyfriend. Do you hear me?" The waitress has no choice but to nod, her self esteem dropping by the second. You glared at her for the last time before turning on your heels and leaving the cafe, a smile on your face.

"Kurooooo" You whine as you lightly shake him back and forth. His eyes are absolutely glued onto the TV, not paying you any attention. You tried everything you could, from blowing into his ears to sitting right in front of him, blocking his view. All of that effort proves to be futile. You pout and cross your arms, glaring at the TV. 'Whats so good about this show anyways..' you thought, mad at the TV for stealing all of your boyfriend's attention. You weren't usually this clingy but you had a rough day and you were looking forward to some cuddles. You got up from your spot on the couch and was about to leave when a hand grabbed your arm, pulling you back. You fell against something hard. You look up and you see Kuroo, still staring at the TV but wrapping his arms around you, forcing you to lie on top of him. After the credits started rolling in, you felt his gaze on you. "Getting impatient are we?" He whispered in your ear, making your face glow red. The rest is history...

Being a class rep must be hard. Just thinking about the responsibilities of being one makes you tired. But for the kindhearted Akaashi, it was hardly a big deal, until recently. There was a student exchange program your school hosted with a neighboring school. An all female school. When you heard that it was Akaashi's job to give a tour for them, you immediately got a bad feeling. And you were right. You swear those girls haven't seen a male human in years because the moment their eyes landed on him, their eyes practically turned to hearts. The squeals and the "AHH Akaashi you're sooo cool"  we're seriously getting on your nerves. Today you were walking down the hall to get to your boyfriend's class but the whole hallway was blocked by those stupid bimbos. You groaned to yourself, 'here we go again'. Pushing your way through, with the few 'excuse mes' for those that were also struggling like you, you finally got to the center of the crowd. There stood Akaashi, looking composed if it wasn't for the sweat forming on his eyebrows and the slight panic in his eyes. When his eyes met yours, he immediately relaxed. Pulling you towards him, he kissed your forehead. You were surprised but the gasps that echoed around you made you smirk. Tugging on his tie, you felt your lips meet his before breaking apart. Then turning to the girls, you spoke with as much confidence as you can, "don't you all have somewhere to be?"
It was absolutely hilarious watching them pushing and shoving each other as they stumbled away. "Thank you" you heard Akaashi whisper to you. You smile up at him. "Anytime".

You knew he was popular in the volleyball world, but you didn't know to what extent. Whatever you imagined was definitely better than this. Hormonal females drooling and throwing themselves at a boy that was taken. You swear they have no shame. But what can you do. Bokuto was clearly enjoying the attention, not because they were girls but because he was noticed. You don't want to take that attention away from him. 'Although some are definitely taking it too far' you thought. You sigh at his easily impressed, happy go lucky personality. Guess the phrase 'ignorance is bliss' is true for certain people. You cross your arms, looking at Bokuto as he walked out of the gymnasium, waving his arms at his fans with a big grin. Female fans. When he came out, he noticed you and immediately made a beeline towards you. Pouncing on you, he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifts you up, and spins around before placing you back on your feet. Whatever he was about to say was swallowed back when he saw your expression. You looked at him like a mother would at a kid who misbehaved. Of course, your jealousy was washed away the second you saw his smile when his eyes met yours but you have to stay tough, have to stay strong. "What's wrong Y/n?" he asked, his big, golden eyes gazing into yours. Stay strong Y/n. Taking in a breath, you regain your composure. "You sure were enjoying yourself." You slightly narrow your eye for added effect. Bokuto looked at you before breaking into a wide grin. "Of course! They're my fans!" "Female fans" you corrected him. He looked back into the gym, looking at his group of fans. "Huh. I guess they are all female." You stared, wide eyed in disbelief. He didn't notice they were all girls. Or maybe he just doesn't care. Hopefully it's the latter. "But you know, you're my number 1 fan!" He says, turning back to you. "And I'm your biggest fan" he adds. You feel your tough act melting away as you felt a smile slowly adorn your face. You peck his cheek. "You're right. I am your biggest fan."

So sorry for the late update! School thought it'd be fine to start piling HUUUGE amounts of hw simply because we are staying at home. I think I'm drowning in textbooks. But I made it this week! Updates might take longer than usual because of this but I'll do my best.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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