(22) Vren

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Guests dissipated a little over 2:30 PM. If there were anyone left, it was a few relatives. And if anything good came of it, it is Audrey relaxing for a bit – if the tensed hand around his arm finally allowed blood circulation is some sort of a vague sign.

Lenard Danler has chosen the time to dart questions his way which he answered politely and truthfully. Fathers are usually the more protective one when it comes to their daughters. Especially if said daughter is gorgeous and highly attractive like Audrey. Vren couldn't blame him.

"That's enough," Audrey says flatly, spinning him away to the direction of the kitchen.

Her mother was cleaning up and he offered to give her a hand. She declined, convincing him she's had enough help from her sisters with the dirty dishes. She shooed both of them to the backyard and enjoy some of the afternoon breeze on the swinging bench.

Audrey was more than happy to oblige. Maybe her aunts constantly giving her a once-over is making her uncomfortable. They weren't entirely at fault. Audrey is seemingly a walking puzzle the size of an aloof woman. Vren would exchange anything to figure her out just a little. But when he does gain a step forward, next thing he knows he's two steps back.

"So you grew up in this nice neighborhood? How come all this sunshine haven't rub off on you?" Vren threaded his fingers through her.

She silently let him lead her out to the backyard. She frowned at him when he made a dramatic motion to her to take a seat when they reached the creaking bench. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any more ridiculous."

"I am full of surprises." He sits next to her, his arm sneaking behind her shoulders.

Audrey sighed, leaning back on the bench. "For the record, I saw that."

Vren laughed. "I'm not taking advantage here." He has more trick up his sleeve to bring her around a playful banter. However, he was signaled she wasn't anywhere near bantering when her shoulders stiffened beneath his arm. Her back snapped straight, face turning pale like she's just seen a ghost.

A man stands by the sliding door. Judging from the way his eyes drift over Audrey, he could tell the guy is an old friend. His coppery hair is styled in place compared to his more laid back, messy one. He stood like a man who doesn't take crap from anybody. He sets eyes on one woman and transfixed them on her. He's certain with his choices. It's a kick in the gut but he had to admit this is the guy someone like Audrey would like.

He crosses the distance between them. "Hi, Audrey."

"Why are you here?" She asks, voice cold and flat.

"Your dad told me you're visiting home."

Audrey stands up, her palms flattening the skirt of her dress. "And we were just leaving." She looks down to a confused Vren and managed to make him spring off the chair.

It was only then the man notices Audrey has company. Vren never grown up a timid kid. He has been asked to model since he was very young. He's fine-looking and he knew it at an early age. He's always been positive about himself. But now, he slightly has that urge to feel inadequate.

"Mark Sinclair." He offers a hand to shake.

Damn it. He has the name of someone who wins the election for student body president.

"Vren Parkinson. Audrey's boyfriend." He doesn't mean to add the last part. Vren was groping back his positivity toward himself.

His eyes flicked to Audrey as if hoping for her to corroborate the account or denying was much better. "I was hoping you'd talk to me."

She snorted. "You just did, Mark."


"Save it." Her voice shifted to a colder octave. Her hand reached down to Vren's, like she was hoping for a rescue.

Vren didn't have to be asked twice. He's taken her away from the mystery guy. He wasn't dense to miss the doleful gaze Mark Sinclair had when Audrey turned a cold shoulder on him. "Can you get my bag for me? I left it in the living room," she asks when they made it to the kitchen.

"Sure." He smiles.

Her parents and her relatives were happily chatting, the conversation dwindling to a trickle. Audrey comes up to her father. There was only one genuine emotion she's permitted to show on her well-composed state. It was bitter indignation directed to her father.

Getting the bag for her was merely a distraction. He wasn't fully out the scene to try not to eavesdrop. He was by the door frame, frozen to the floor as the rest of the small cluster in the room was.

"Why did you invite Mark?"

Vren would pay good money to see what Audrey looked like pissed. But her back was on the nonplussed audience, Vren included. Some of them had their eyes drawn to the floor since they were rooted on them not by choice.

"I didn't know you were bringing a boyfriend home," her father reasoned out.

She laughed humorlessly. "Do not, under any circumstances, think you're doing me a favor."

"Audrey, I just thought I could—"

"Stop trying to fix me when you can't even fix your own life." She muttered. It was one thing to hear her show a miniscule of anger. It was another to hear her voice completely detached.

Audrey turns to her mother, murmuring a soft goodbye before grabbing his arm and walked them both out to the living room. She held onto the sling of her back, her knuckles turning white. Vren was merely following the force of the current and he saved his questions for later. She slumped in the passenger's seat, expecting him to jump in behind the wheel as fast as he could.

The car revved forward. They were on the road again, Vren casting glances over to Audrey. Her eyes were on the road ahead. She appeared fine until a finger swiped over her cheek to catch a tear.


"Keep driving." She ordered, keeping her gaze on the windshield.

"We can stop."

"I have a meeting at 5 PM. Don't make me late." Audrey deadpans, turning to him with glossy eyes that almost made him step on the brake.

"Audrey, you're obviously not—"

"I'm fine." She muttered through gritted teeth.

He could bear a distant Audrey who doesn't answer his calls and mysteriously avoids him. A hurting Audrey – that he wasn't built to handle. He wanted nothing but to pull over and take her to his embrace whether she likes it or not.

"Just keep driving." Audrey enunciated every word in a way that he couldn't disobey. 

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