(20) Vren

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***Hi! This book is under MAJOR revision, so some things WILL NOT ADD UP in the next chapters (especially in chapters that aren't labeled 'REVISED.') Please read on with this in mind.

I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH: it isn't an inconsistency in the plot, there's just a revision.

Vren takes in the two-story classic suburban home with white picket fence setting the bow on the peaceful countryside life far from the noise of the bustling city three hours back.

Not only was the ride long. It was deafeningly silent. Audrey has only spoken instructions to him inside the car. It was too silent he could hear his own breathing. The woman can practically takes a vow of silence without difficulties. Vren has racked his brain for any misbehavior he could've conducted since the dinner with his family. There was nothing he can think of. None at all. And therefore no reason for her not speaking.

Her eyes were either on the road or on her phone. Anything but on him. Her hair was bound in a neat bun, her dark gray dress indicated there are more just as expensive residing in her closet. She looked pristine like she always do. Only this time, she doesn't make herself attainable. She's incomparably withdrawn.

When Audrey told him to make himself available on the 29th, he willingly did in hopes for a fraction of her precious time. He would kick himself for thinking he will be satisfied with just a little. For now, he's had parents to impress. And an Audrey to coax out of her vow of silence.

Vren climbs out of the car, noting onlookers from the house's front porch. Their gazes pierces on his face like lasers.

Audrey slid her bag on her shoulder, her face exceptionally blank. She steps out of the car with grace, sliding her hand to his arm.

He ushered her hand down to his and he immediately find it slightly damp and cold. She's nervous. Still, Vren might just be having a baseless assumption. If Audrey is anywhere near nervous, her face and body language doesn't register anything.

"Try not to look uncomfortable. People here prefers their noses on someone else's business." Audrey leans to his ear.

A woman in her late 40s split apart from the curious audience at the porch. Her smile was bright and welcoming, hand gesturing in an exaggerated wave. "Audrey, honey."

Mrs. Danler. Her hair is a shade of rich brown, curled on the end. Her face is persimmon round which suits her just fine. If anything, it simply softened her up. She's a woman you can easily stir a conversation with. She's that one approachable mother who cooks her daughter healthy meals and willingly adds that plus-one the daughter suggested to come over either to study or hang out with.

Her eyes went on a quick perusal of her daughter. Vren didn't missed the sigh of relief as she concluded Audrey was far from getting diagnosed of anorexia. The pregnancy has played a role to her healthy figure. Not that she wasn't physically attractive.

Vren has find her untouchably gorgeous before. He's had enough respectful bone in his body to keep him from having indecent thoughts of her. However, that respectful bone is disintegrating into a brittle twig lately. Especially after seeing for himself the effect of the pregnancy to her chest. Her choice of wardrobe make it even more distracting.

"Hi, mom." Audrey steps forward and accepted her mother's hug. She pulled back to let her mother acknowledge him.

Vren had on his smile. "Hi, Mrs. Danler. I'm Vren Parkinson. It's good to finally meet you."

She shook his hand, her eyes fluctuating to Audrey. "Sweetie, you brought a man." There was amazement and a hint of adoration in her voice.

"He's my boyfriend."

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