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Chapter Seven
Nyx's POV

"When I dragged your desolate being from that office of yours to come here, I did not expect you to be drinking this much." I belched and chuckled at the same time. The darkness in the room probably swallowed my eyes making me look like a witch's play doll. With her vision I'm sure she can still see me, tired and drained from confusion.

"What do I alwayss, tell you Jazzlyn? Hmm?" Upon hearing my question she furrowed her eyebrows, terribly feigning that she's thinking of my words. Placing my soft cold hand on her cheek I smiled at her baffled expression then mumbled, "Expectations, kill."

"Oh Luna! You've had too much to drink,"

"No, no. That's not it-" She shushed me with her hand, my slurring offensively interrupted. This woman has a death wish. "Sit right here I'll be back okay." Sadly my vision is blurry due to the number of shots I took earlier but I can see her fiery hair as she stands on her feet. "Wai- wait a minute!" She moves her head questioningly evoking a huff from me, I think that's what she did. "Bring back some gin friend..."

"I'm on your left Nyx."

"Really? Hmm," During my struggle on deciding which side is left I felt a hand tapping me on the shoulder making me turn. "Sit down, I'm coming back." She ordered.

"Righht." Two strong hands pushed me down to my chair and I oblige, feeling consumed from everything that has happened since we got here. "Well shit, it's getting hot here." I can hear the music blasting in my ear, everybody dancing around me and faint moans from women getting devoured somewhere close. I hate being powerful, everything is enhanced.

Silently sitting here with a drink on my hand I'm trying by all means to silence my thoughts but I can't. Everything in me is yowling for that grey eyed man and I can't shun it. The worst part of this all is that I feel no ounce of remorse for pushing Kai away. My wolf is so full of pride that she won't let me even send a mere message apologizing for my wrong doings. "What a shell of a woman I  am." My lips mumble.

A stare piercing me on my back has me glancing around the room for its source. Jazz has been gone for what feels like fifteen minutes for my drink, I'm almost convinced she has forgotten about me because of all these handsome men around us. I don't blame her though. As I look around my gaze lands on a very handsome man who's sitting by himself in the VIP section drinking whatever's inside his glass. Considering the distance between us I shouldn't really be seeing him but he stands out from everybody around him. Tattoos are coating his pale skin like a second skin which I can't help but gawk at. He's a sore sight for the eyes and he's looking at me with a murderous gaze which fills me with interest. Shaking my head lightly I avert my gaze ftom him, maybe I'm seeing things with the intoxicant in my head. "I got these free drinks from the bartender who promised to treat me good tonight." She places two full glasses of alcohol in front of me with a full smile playing on her lips. Not even bothering to respond I take one and throw the drinking straw away before chugging it down. "What in the worl-"

"It's water so drink up, I don't want to carry you out of here."

"You nitwit!!"

"You're welcome Alpha Nyx." Quite certain she'll see the rolling of my eyes I move them at her taking another gulp of the tasteless substance. She takes a seat opposite to me and starts drinking her own beautiful drink.

A helpless breath leaves my lips while my previous thoughts captivate me again.

It's been nine days since I met my mate and four without seeing him. It's quite unlikely for werewolves to defy the mate bond, especially high ranking ones like me. Truthfully, it's not that I hadn't planned this. Everything was recited and perfectly worded for this situation. In my mind; my mate was going to be a warrior or a human because it's unlikely an alpha gets a mate of higher or equal position... I thought I'd get one with a known name too. Alas, he is from another kingdom, everything I should run away from. He's not meant for me, I'm too good for his atrocious soul. This mateship struck me like a whirlwind in the most unexpected way I can fathom. I was sure that the moment I feel the bond stir in me I'd break it. Now it has and I haven't, everything is amiss. I don't know how to deal with this load on my plate. The only person I know who'd tell me about vampires lives in the Eastern Coven, excluding my mother and that's a solid seven hour drive with only one stop.

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