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Nyx's POV

Esti lies dead with her head missing from the rest of her body.

Marcus managed to run off when he saw the chance.

Now Celeste stands in front of me, canines bared in pique and what feels to be anger. I managed to cross their borders, only killing three during the process and wounding a few others. By the time she arrived things had already gotten a little bit messy, Esti had screamed to alert others so I took her out of the equation. Upon arriving at the scene Celeste immediately got distracted by goddess knows what so at that I took the chance and escaped by running towards the exit as told. I didn't have enough time to ponder if my directions were correct or not, it was rather a do or die situation. My speed is that of a wolf and a vampire combined, as fast as lightning I'd admire myself.

My eyes are a mix of my animals, I don't know which one dominates the most but I feel both of them lending me their strength. There are about seven dead bodies on the ground, my clothes are ripped and my body is aching due to the lethal punches I have received. Luckily I heal fast.

I am on the opposite side to them, yet not one person dare to come over to seize me. It raises suspicions from my side, but then again if you so think about it Celeste may just be happy to see me gone. And at this state of our encounter she is aware that I have not said anything to my mate whom I know she has no platonic thoughts towards.

I am now surrounded by darkness.

As I departed my heart sank to my stomach. In what I must say felt to be shame. And self-loathe... I pause my steps right outside the border thinking about that woman and the relations she must have with my mate and suddenly my sight becomes sharp and guarded all alerts letting me know that I am very much in control with this situation at hand. And I that am leaving my mate. No word. No nothing. That woman who was dedicated to proving to her lover that it is only him she desires had long vanished. Right this moment I am nothing but a disobedient servant to the goddess. I don't know what has come over me, just the mere thought of rejecting my mate sends some sort of hurt to my system yet that's not what I feel. I feel, I want to reject him. But something about this place has had me week and feeling strange, I suppose one could say i was beginning to regret some of my actions and mostly the thoughts that seem to cloud me.

I think back to when I laid with another and confessed my love to him. My Kai, I feel a string connection towards him yet I cannot help this strong wave of shame which engulfs me the exact second. This time around this intense feeling comes with a sharp pain which makes me huff in aghast.

Disregarding all the goodwill my mate and his son have done for me ever since they've followed me here I trek north... By calculation I will be at Tilia's before the next dawn. I have enough food and other necessities. But I can't help but shiver at the thought of being here all by myself. If anything I've realised that this place is not where one should venture by themselves, but here I am. "Here I am." I whisper to myself. The map is in my right pocket of my jean, the compass in my hand and I hope my plans don't stray because if that happens then I'm dead meat in here.

I shift to my wolf, deciding it's better this way and I'll be faster.

I run.

I ran never and never stopped.


Exactly like how I planned it, with no fights or difficult encounters I managed to make it to her territory.

They say sirens recognise other sirens, I am mostly wolf and beast, a few traits just passed from genetics and when I tell you that I am being dependent on a theory you won't believe me. Because the planning is messy and improper. I'm stood between a barrier I can only feel and for the first time I am scared of what's beyond. Sighing I decide on changing back to my human form and devising some strategy.

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