Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Third Person

When Payton dropped Adrian off, Adrian wasted no time retrieving her things and rushing up to her house. She wanted to be alone, too much has happened today, and Adrian had to process it.

As she stepped out of the car, ready to beeline it to the house, Payton spoke. "I'm sorry Adrian." She starts. "About Jaxon, he's a bad guy." she says. "And for Elliot, well he's Elliot."

Adrian's feet stop, with a slight turn of her head she meets Payton's eyes. Her cheeks are pink and peach with warmth from her blood rushing to her face. "I know." She murmurs. "Pretty boys are mean boys." The words come out a whisper. Not waiting for Payton's reaction, she shuts the car door and scampers up to her house.

No one would be able to bother Adrian for the rest of the day. She was home and home was right where she wanted and needed to be. Her small hands twisted the door handle and pushed it open. The familiar scents hit her as soon as she stepped in, she was safe again for the time being.

She dropped her bag on the ground, knowing later she would get an ear full from her mother about leaving things where they don't belong. Her feet padded to the kitchen, a delicious aroma in the air.

Her mother stood in an apron pulling something out of the oven. "Adrian?" Her soft motherly voice called.

"It's me," Adrian confirms tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Her stomach rumbled at the delightful smell. She then realized how she hadn't eaten lunch, and she was starving.

Her mother sets the pan down on the countertop. She faces Adrian, a smile set upon her lips. "How was school sweetheart?"

Adrian frowns almost immediately. "It was okay." She lies, the day's memories crushing into her. Before her mother can sense her mood shift she asks, "What are you making?"

Her mother turns around and seconds later she's in front of Adrian again placing a napkin down with a muffin on top before her. The muffin is lathered in peanut butter. Her beautiful smile shines down on her daughter and Adrian can't help but beam up at her too.

When Adrian's mother was around, she lit up the room. Her presence was all Adrian needed to set aside her horrible day.

"Your favorite." She sings happily. "Banana."

That's all it takes for Adrian to grab the muffin and greedily take a bite. The flavors dance in her mouth, she loved her mother's peanut butter banana muffins. They tasted heavenly.

Her mother watches her as she eats. Then suddenly her mom picks up her arm and pulls it closer as she examines it, "What's this Adrian, tell me that's not blood." Her voice comes out angry.

Adrian pulls her arm away almost instantly, her eyes widening. It wasn't hers, of course, it was Elliot's after he bloodied his hands he grabbed her and got it all over her sweatshirt.

"It's not mine." She whispers.

Her mother looked pained. "Then who's?" She demands. "Did somebody hurt you?"

Adrian didn't know what to say, how to explain this without her mother freaking out. Her mother has always been her protector so right now seeing the blood on Adrian's sweatshirt scared her.

She couldn't tell her mom about Jaxon and she definitely couldn't tell her mom about Elliot Wilds beating him up. Nobody hurt her physically, but mentally her brain felt crushed into a million pieces.

She didn't want to relive the last few hours of school because they were an absolute disaster. But she had to make it so her mom believed nothing happened, her mom had to believe she was making progress.

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