Chapter 29

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A gust of cold wind blew the hair off my face while I remained nailed to my spot. I was standing in the middle of the practice meadow, waiting. The occasional drop of rain landed on my shoulders and hair, but I ignored every single one of them.

Fifteen minutes into my wait she finally rounded the last line of houses and took her first step onto the crumpled grass. With each step she took closer to me, my stomach squeezed a little tighter.

What had been softly carved cheekbones only days before were now deep holes on both sides of her face. The simple blue shirt she was wearing looked like it had once been a close fit, but now it hung loosely on her upper torso. Not to mention the skinny jeans that looked at least two sizes too big on her.


While the mere sight of her deteriorating state was a red flag, what really chilled my bones was the knowledge of what had caused her state. The channeling of life magic.

She stopped three steps away from me and pinned me with her blue eyes. "Have you finally come to your senses?" Despite the fragile state of her body, her voice rang strong. "Have you decided to step down from the position that was never meant to be yours?"

In spite of her confident tone, I could see a hint of hesitation in her eyes. She wasn't as sure of herself as she would have liked me to think.

Before I could even open my mouth, she turned her head left and right and surveilled our surroundings. "Where is your werewolf boyfriend? And the human family? Hiding in the bushes ready to defend you?"

"There's no one here. Only the two of us."

Her eyes twirled in my direction. "That's a surprisingly stupid move from you. I'm impressed."

"They don't have anything to do with this."

I had begun this on my own five years ago and I intended to finish it that way today.

"Whatever speech you've prepared about how only you know what's best for the people and not me," her confident mask slipped and her features twisted into a narrow glare, "spare me. Nothing you can say will change my mind."

"I know you were involved in the murder of my mother, your former High Priestess." My voice didn't even quiver, despite the turmoil inside me. "You might not have been physically present inside the room on that night, but I know you were part of it. I've had five years to figure out the part everyone played and the only person I've been missing was the one who brought all of those creatures to Allium and directed them to where my mother was. You."

"Your mother was never supposed to be the High Priestess, just like you." Her hands clenched into pale fists. "I'm the rightful High Priestess. It doesn't matter what you say I did. They will have to accept me, not matter what."

"You really think so?" I allowed a soft smile to curl the corners of my lips.

All this time she had held an edge over me, but now she had no more secrets left.

"I personally think they will love hearing why your grandmother was forced to step down. We both know how our people view channeling life magic."

Panic flashed through Darlene's eyes. "You have no way to prove the reason why she was forced out."

"Oh, I think showing them that you've been channeling life magic will be more than proof enough. We both know what will happen once everybody finds out. You're done for, Darlene. There is no way you will ever become the High Priestess."

At that moment I realized I had finally punished Darlene like I had done with everyone else involved in my mother's death. The position of the High Priestess was everything she had been aiming for, and I was the one to snatch that dream away from her.

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