Chapter 18

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My big toe hit something solid the moment I stepped through the portal.

"Ahh!" I couldn't hold in the groan of the pulsing pain now spreading through my foot.

"Sorry about that." The masculine murmur came from the still cloaked figure who stood a few steps in front of me.

In an instant the portal behind me vanished. With the light of the swirling mass gone, the room was swallowed by a thick darkness. The only light was coming through a small opening between two clumsily shut curtains on my right. It wasn't much, but it was enough for me to tell that the floor was covered with rectangular solid stacks, just like the one my poor toe had bumped into.

"I—" The cloaked man—I was assuming he was a man because of his low voice—edged a step closer to me.

My instincts kicked in before I could even try to understand what had just happened. I extended my hand in his direction and gathered my pulsing magic. In the next moment a strong gush of wind erupted from my open palm.

The stranger didn't even have time to speak his second word before he went flying across the room. He hit what I assumed to be the wall, but I didn't stay long enough to make sure. Instead, I spun around and rushed into the direction where the glint of a metal doorknob had caught my eye. I grabbed the knob with every bit of strength I possessed and pulled the door open.

While I didn't find myself facing the sweet light of the outside world like I expected, I was at least able to see more than inside the previous room. The hallway on the other side of the door didn't look any more appealing than the dark room, but I didn't have any other choice.

A strong musky odor with an herbal undertone numbed my nostrils as I ran down the dimly lit hallway. Only two lights illuminated the long hallway and the nearest of them was flickering, which only added to the creepy atmosphere of the building.

I almost ran head first into a scarcely clad woman who exited one of the many doors on both my left and right. I came to a screeching stop just in time before I would send both of us sprawling to the ground.


I whirled my head to the side to find the cloaked figure poking his hood through the door. Instantly I spun back around and pushed past the swaying woman. With new-found speed, I ran down the rest of the hallway and turned a sharp corner. A set of hurried footsteps followed behind me, but I didn't dare to turn around and see how close he was.

Instead, I made a sharp turn when I caught a stairway on my right and I descended the stairs two at a time. Once I reached what I assumed was first floor, I sprinted toward the tainted glass door at the end of a small hallway. I pushed against it and it gave in without a screech in protest.

I found myself in what looked like a bright side alley, with trash scattered around every corner and the stench of urine bombarding me from all directions. The street split into both right and left, forcing me to make an instant decision. I chose right and ran down the alley.

Around the corner I found myself in a wider street, where a few people were walking down the sidewalk. The gray buildings surrounding me gave no clue to where I was, but I didn't have time to think about that right now. I could still hear the sound of running footsteps behind me which propelled me to sprint down the length of the street.

No matter how many people I passed, I never made a move to stop any of them. Even from the brief glance I got while running past them, I knew they were all humans. And the cloaked figure still hunting me definitely wasn't one.

The farther I ran, the busier the streets got. I ignored the stares and ran as fast as my feet would take me. While I did my best to avoid bumping into too many humans, the man hunting me didn't seem to share my concern. He simply pushed against everyone who stood in his way.

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