05 And So it Begins*

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I spent the rest of the day in a blur.

"Alpha training?"

"Well yea dummy. You've proven that you are an alpha so now you you'll be treated like one"

My wolf is right. Rude, but right.

"I don't know about this... I'm so far behind... According to father I should have started 3 years ago! I don't know if I can..."

"Hey, little Alpha!" Beta Carson breaks me from my conversation with my wolf.

"Beta Carson hi....ummm What's with the change? All this 'little Alpha' crap." dang it I ummmed again... I'm so glad father didn't hear that.

"Well, little Alpha," he continued with a smirk, "the whole pack knows you have shown your true Alpha at this point, so things are gonna change."

"Like what?" I ask as Beta Carson and I walk the grounds.

"Well for starters you can call me Carson. As future Alpha you are effectively second only to your father. Formalities are... less important."

I laugh at that. Beta Carson is Dalton's uncle. He raised Dalton from the time he was 6 and he raised me to a certain extent. Being around when my father had to leave on pack business. So the idea of not addressing him by his title seems absurd.

"Also look around. Do you see a guard monitoring your every move?"

I looked around but saw no one.

"I see you, Carson." I say. Yea I can't do that "Carson" so weird.

"I just came to chat... See how the meeting with your father went."

"I don't know Beta." I started "Father says I am to start Alpha training?.... What the crap is that? I've been training from the time I could walk. What is going to happen now?"

Beta Carson laughs. "Sit down Lilly." He says gesturing to a bench along the path we are walking. I sit and look up at the blue sky and barren trees. The last of the leaves have taken flight leaving empty branches awaiting snow.

"I can tell your father has already started your training. So don't worry you got this." Beta Carson says

"What do you mean?" I reply. "We haven't trained together in years!"

"We all know that you are powerful Lilly. This training is not something that takes place on the training grounds. Though your time on the training grounds will be doubled. This training is about who an Alpha is and what is required of you. The way an Alpha acts, or in the case of today's lesson, speaks." Beta Carson says drawing out the word speaks and giving a knowing look.

On that I understood what father was doing in our meeting.

"I have never heard you speak with the confidence you've shown today. Even in your questioning you demand respect. You stand your ground. Plus you haven't broken eye contact with me once."

His statement made my eyes fall to my feet.

"No little Alpha." Beta Carson says lifting my head. "You bow to no man."

With that Beta Carson gets up and continues down the path.

"Training grounds 8:00. Go eat breakfast and hurry over. It only gets harder from here." he says over his shoulder and disappears around the corner.

I sit for a moment longer taking in the crisp air then head off to the pack house for breakfast.


I finish breakfast and I feel like I've already lived three days in one. As I run to the training grounds I'm already ready for bed.

When I arrive Beta Carson, Delta David, and the pack's top warriors are already there.

 Alpha LillyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat