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Izuku was in his room on the ship working on homework, simply thinking about what Aizawa said, "You've been worked to death, I'm sending you all on a cruise." Izuku was beyond shocked, his friends were happy, but he was sad for some reason? He couldn't place the felling, it was gnawing at his brain. He was doing his homework sure, but he was also trying to make out a vision. He had it the night before the cruise was announced, He was sitting on a beach, surrounded by the class 1A girls, but the other part of the vision scared him. Evil had taken over, UA lost its reputation, the public joined the villains side. There was something peaceful too, after the scene, it showed six kindergarten aged kids, and two newborns in hand made huts. He looked back, he couldn't tell which ones, but four of the six others with him were pregnant. He didn't know what it meant, he never wants to know if he's being honest.

During Izuku's mini freak out, the girls were having fun. They were playing a game, but Mina changed the rules for the last round. If one person messes up, then everyone has to say their crush. Some were obvious, others, not so much. Tsuyu, Momo, and Jiro were hard to read. Toru was slightly difficult because of the face issue, so she's excluded from the list. Mina just teases all of them. Ochako was to obvious. They were playing kiss, marry, kill, Mina turned to Tsuyu and gave her the options, "Your choices are, Izuku, Bakugo, and Shoji." Tsuyu looked at the ceiling before answering, "Obviously, I'd marry Midoriya, Kill Bakugo, because nothing else would work with him, and that leaves kiss for Shoji." They all agreed it was a smart outlook. It was Ochako,s turn for the choices, "Izuku, Kaminari, and Koda!" Ochako didn't even have to think it through, which scared them a little, "Kill Kaminari, Kiss Koda, Marry Izuku." They were about to have another round before the ship started rocking violently.

Before anyone could react, the rooms broke of the boat, and into the ocean. Everyone else on the boat was sinking, but the rooms were being carried away by a gust of wind. Izuku hit his head and blacked out once the rooms fell in. The girls were freaking out, but at least the doors were waterproof. The girls later fell asleep after attempting to stay up all night. Izuku had woken up before anyone else. He marched out of his room to see that he was on an island. There wasn't much, but there was a freshwater lake in land a tiny bit, a cave that can be shelter for now, and some fruit trees. The fruits looked like figs and bananas. He removed his shirt and started tearing it apart. He put one of the eighteen strips on his head, it was meant to act as a sweatband, the others were to be bandages. At least he had a bed, he moved the mattress into his cave. The girls weren't so lucky though, all the other beds got broke. They had checked the ship after he had left, the had no idea he was with them. They went back to their room and cried slightly, Izuku had gotten back and was showing of his eight pack, he had used his desk and ship wood to start a building. He soon made a spear, and torch to light the cave up. He didn't want to build a fire, he didn't know what was around. He would start a tiny one and immediately put it out after lighting the torch.

As he went back he heard sobbing, he knocked on the door, prepared for anything, he activated his quirk and had his spear in hand. He quickly deactivated his quirk knowing he wouldn't need it. The girls were beyond scared now, a mystery figure had just knocked on their door! Then they heard a voice they knew well, "Hey! It's me, Izuku Midoriya, is everything alright!" They scrambled to the door before opening it to see Izuku standing there, they cried in joy and hugged him. Izuku just stopped working, his brain drew a blank and he said, "I'm glad I'm not the only one." They all followed him, considering he already had a spear. Momo could make stuff if given enough food though. Izuku got to a cave which they guessed was their new home. As he walked in he said something they all ready knew, "I got the last good mattress, there was only one. You can have it though." Mina smirked evilly and said, "I'm sure there's room for everyone, and we can keep each other safer if we sleep in the same bed."

Almost all the girls and Izuku were crimson. She said nothing and pulled him down on the bed, she grabbed the other girls, Izuku wiggles out though, he went to gather fruit for dinner. Mina sat up smirking, "So, Guess I know that we all like Izuku now." The girls all went crimson, even Tsu. They were stuck on an island, with the boy they all like, and they were sleeping in the same bed. They all smiled before Izuku came back with food. Some ate a lot, others, not so much. Then the girls noticed his abs. They looked capable of grinding iron. They ate in peace, having nice conversation, before Mina said, "Hey, Izuku, drop the pants. I want to know what I'm dealing with." Everyone was crimson again. Izuku was slowly backing up, he forgot he was on a bed and fell. He hit his head and passed out. Mina sighed knowing she couldn't do anything. She then realized how hot it was. She then said, "I know I talk a lot, but it's actually really hot. We might have to remove our clothes to just stay cool, If it's hot in a cave, it's scorching out there." They thought about it, and decided if the heat continued they would. They dragged Izuku into the middle of the bed, and they laid comfortably around him before they all fell asleep blushing. They were laying with their crush!

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