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I think this is might be the longest chapter yet.

Broke my heart to write it, but this story has really taken on a life of its own.

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She falls to her knees in the center of the empty square.

Her lungs burn from sprinting away from the shop.

The rim of the fountain is cold on her flushed skin as she presses her forehead against it.

Due to the winter temperatures, the basin is empty of water.

She stares blankly at the seraphic faces carved into the column where the water usually comes from.

Their mouths are open, empty.

As though stuck in an eternal scream.

Enid hears it echo in her mind.

She fishes a coin out of her pocket and tosses it in.

Listens to it clang against the bottom.

She makes a wish.

"Enid! What the absolute hell?!" Someone is hauling her up, shaking her.

Her mind is hazy, all she can see is the carved faces.

Staring, screaming.

She blinks.

Graham comes into focus; concern alight on his face.

Sense floods back into her.

Enid steps out of his arms, tugs her jacket tighter around her.

She is freezing.

"I need you to drive me somewhere." Her voice is calm.

Graham looks at her as though she's suddenly grown antlers.

"What?" It falls from his mouth in utter disbelief.

Enid glances down at her watch.

Nearly three hours have passed.

"We still have an hour before I need to be back. C'mon, we have to hurry." She turns and starts toward the parking lot.

Graham's mouth falls open as he watches her walk away.

Her pointed glance back at him gets his feet moving.

"Are you out of your mind? You disappear for three hours! Three hours! That I spent searching for you everywhere because your immortals would literally murder me if I were to not bring you home. And now you suddenly show back up and you want me to be your damn uber?!" His words fly out in a long, furious string.

"I'm really sorry for worrying you. I promise, I wouldn't have slipped away if it hadn't been of utmost importance." She apologizes, guilt tight in her throat.

He stares down at her, his lips pressing into a thin line.

"Fine. But god, kid, I'm pretty sure you gave me some grey hairs." Graham sighs.

"You didn't call them, did you?" She asks as they climb into his car.

"Your men? No, hell no. Do you think I want to die?" He says as the engine roars to life.

Enid gives him a soft smile as she directs him out of the parking lot.

The car ride is silent apart from her directions, her mind too busy to say anything else.

When they pull up at the front of an apartment complex, she gives him a remorseful smile.

"Do you mind waiting? It shouldn't take too long." She pleads.

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