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Extra long chapter today!

And a very steamy scene with a certain Psychology professor.

Hope you enjoy!!

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Enid awoke to a sharp pain at her temples.

She stretched as she grasped onto consciousness, her eyes opening blearily.

Recognition dawned on her and she sat upright with a lurch.

Enid grabbed her phone from the bedside table and looked at the time.

3:28 AM

Shaking the last tendrils of drowsiness from her mind, she realized she must have fallen asleep after her little breakdown.

Slipping out of bed, she padded over to the restroom.

Freshened up and changed into pajamas, she returned to the massive bed.

For a few minutes she tossed and turned, her mind too full of thoughts to rest.

Admitting defeat, she retrieved her phone and turned on the flashlight setting before opening her bedroom door.

Silently, she crept down the seemingly endless steps to the first floor.

The estate was startling in the darkness, shadows seeming to move on their own accord.

At one point she accidentally shined the flashlight on one of the impressive portraits on the wall and nearly jumped out of her skin as she peered into the paintbrush eyes of a cherub.

Quickening her pace, she finally made it to the kitchen and flickered on the overhead lights.

She retrieved a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, sighing at the cold relief on her strained throat.

Once she finished the glass, she began her journey back up the stairs.

She paused as she reached the final landing that held the doors to the bedrooms.

There was light shining from under one of the doors.

One of the immortals was awake.

Her feet brought her to stand before it, impulse raising her fist to knock lightly on the wood.

She fought the urge to scramble toward her door as she heard a rustling from inside.

Enid squinted at the sudden light as the door opened, revealing Theodore in a set of cobalt pajamas.

His shirt was unbuttoned, baring his muscled torso to her eyes.

He looked as though he had been carved from stone.

She swallowed thickly as she took in the dark trail of hair that ran beneath his bellybutton.

Enid blushed, dropping her eyes from his alabaster skin to stare down at her light pink painted toes.

"Are you alright, darling?" His eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at her, his voice even huskier than normal.

"Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you. I just saw the light on and..." She trailed off, suddenly feeling foolish for her actions.

Why had she knocked?

It felt almost as though a string had pulled her there, tugging and tugging.

"You're never a disturbance, Enid. Would you like to come in?" His tone gentle as he brushed his hand beneath her chin to raise her eyes to his.

She sucked in a breath.

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