Chapter 28

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Miles' POV

I run quickly into the fight, tearing apart rogues and hunters as fast as I can. I need to protect my pack, I feel this urge to protect them in my bones, like it's a part of who I am.

I assess the situation and my eyes land on my father who is fighting Kevin. I see Calvin break a rogues neck before lunging for my father. With Calvin and my father fighting, Kevin starts protecting his Alpha by killing rogues who approach.

I see my mother with the hunters, a shotgun in hand. My mother's a hunter?

I continue fighting my way through these rogues who keep attacking. They can sense my power, they know there is something special about me. I practically ooze power and protectiveness, making me seem like the perfect challenge.

My father seems to be the leader of the rogues, yet I don't know how. His wolf is big and dusty brown, big enough to show that he is a wolf of high ranking. He must've been someone important in a pack before he became a rogue. That explains why I'm a big wolf too.

Calvin and my father are going at each other, snarling and growling menacingly. If Calvin wasn't my mate, I would be scared by how intimidating he is right now. I'm surprised my father isn't cowering away just at the sight of him.

A rogue suddenly comes and attacks me from behind and grabs onto one of my legs. I use my super speed to turn until I can bite at him. He doesn't expect me to be this fast, so he cowers away. Pathetic.

I bite on to his neck and whip my head back and forth, tearing at his skin and muscles. He soon falls limp, not being able to handle the blood loss.

I see my mother, she is standing alone, her gun down and in a relaxed stance. She looks like she's at home and not in the middle of a battle. I shift back and approach her, confused. I distantly hear Calvin and my father still fighting, but my focus is on my mother.

"Mother, are you okay?" I ask with a shaky voice, her calmness unnerving me.

"I'm just fine, I just wanted to explain things to you," she says, still as calm as ever. "You're father hated you for being human. He thought you were going to shift, yet you never did. He is my mate so I supported him no matter what. That meant treating you horribly."

I tilt my head, still confused why they were attacking the pack. I ended up shifting, shouldn't that be enough to make him happy?

"When you found your mate, and he was male, your father couldn't bare to call you his child anymore. So he kicked you out of the house. I just wanted him to be happy again, and he wanted to attack the pack. He has always hated packs after he got kicked out of one," she explains, making me understand things a bit better.

"So you helped him? Helped try to ruin your sons life? How could you?" I spit at her, my anger running high.

"He's my mate, I wanted to please him. You understand."

"No. I don't understand. What you guys have done is just cruel. I would never do anything like this," I say angrily, not being able to believe she is justifying this.

"I'm here to ask for your forgiveness. I miss my son, and I just want you to know I will always love you," she says sadly, tears streaming down her face. She seems to regret this, so I do the one thing I never thought would ever happen.

I walk over to her, tears in my eyes, and hug here. She hugs back tightly, not letting me go. I feel her tears on my shoulder, the wetness getting my bare skin wet.

I hear Calvin winning, my fathers snarls dying out. I'm so focused on how Calvin is doing that I don't notice what my mother does next.

I feel something sharp and wet pierce my back, I'm assuming a knife dipped in wolfsbane.

I feel pain erupt all throughout my back, and I can feel the wolfsbane entering my bloodstream. The searing pain nothing like I've ever felt before.

I pull away from my mother sluggishly, and look into her eyes. All I can ask is, "Why?"

Her face turns angry, and she spits, "Because you became a monster."

The last thing I heard before I crumple to the ground is a loud, pain filled howl.

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