Chapter 20

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Calvin's POV

I watched as my mate cried with pain. My heart hurt watching him in pain. I rushed over to him after mindlinking the pack doctor, Doctor Ray, to come up to my room quickly.

I hug Miles, being careful not to touch any of the breaking bones. A mates touch is supposed to make the shift easier and less painful, but people rarely know who their mate is when they shift.

I let the mate tingles do their magic, hopefully soothing his body slightly.

What I can't believe is that Miles is a werewolf. He has been raised as a human, and his parents are human. I guess his parents are werewolves or he's adopted.

Doctor Ray reaches my room, just as Miles let's put a pain filled scream. I quickly tell Doctor Ray to come in, he rushes in and looks at Miles' arm that's bent in a weird position.

"He's shifting?" Doctor Ray questions, not understanding why his human Luna is shifting into a werewolf.

"Yes, I don't know how or why. He's human," I tell him, letting him know just how confused I am.

Doctor Ray sniffs the air and turns to me, Miles still crying while I'm holding him. "You marked him? That must have activated it," he mumbles aloud, seeming to be thinking hard.

"Activated what? Why is this happening to him?" I ask urgently, needing to know what he is thinking.

"I've seen this only one time before. There was a werewolf whose parent was a werewolf and the other was a human. The werewolf gene laid dormant until something 'activated' it. I think your mark activated his dormant werewolf gene," he explains, surprising me. One of his parents is a werewolf? Which one?

Miles whimpers and says, "Calvin, it hurts."

"I know, I know. It will be over soon, I promise little rabbit," I try to say as soothingly as I can.

Soon his back breaks and his shift is almost over. The back breaking is always the last step.

I don't hear anymore cries so I look down. Laying on the bed, is the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. Miles' wolf is a beautiful dark gray, his body full of many colors. His eyes are a glowing hazel, resembling his human eyes but almost more powerful. He commands respect, just by looking at him. He is a strong, high ranked wolf.

Miles tries to stand up on the bed, his feet wobbling on the uneven surface. I go to pick him up but he bares his teeth at me. I put my hands up to show I mean him no harm, and say, "Little rabbit, I just want to bring you out into the forest."

Miles nods his head, his eyes full of an apology. Giving him a forgiving look, I proceed to pick him up and carry him down the flights of stairs.

I may look a little weird, a 6'4 man carrying a wolf as big as him. We reach the backyard, walking into the woods surrounding us. Setting him down, he struggles to stand up. His legs are unstable, being in this new form.

Doctor Ray left when I brought Miles outside. So I take off my clothes and shift. Even though Miles is struggling to walk, he still has time to watch me undress. He licks his lips, looking at my bare ass.

I smirk as I shift, my smirk turning into a wolfy grin. I look to Miles and he is finally standing. He goes to take a step and crumbles to the floor. He gets right back up, and goes to take another step. He soon gets the hang of walking in his wolf form, and starts to trot around. He practically prances, looking like a show dog.

I let out a wolf chuckle, which sounds more like a huff. He looks so funny, his medium length dark gray fur is practically flying as he goes in circles.

I mindlink him, "Hellooooo, Miles. Are you okay?"

He jumps, looking freaked out, never having used a mindlink before. "Who is this? Why are you in my head?"

"It's Calvin, we can mindlink because I marked you," I explain to him, reassuring him no one but his wolf and I are in his head.

I tried to read his mind, but it seems he's already figured out how to block me. Maybe after being guarded for such a long time, he's gotten used to hiding everything.

Miles starts running, going into the trees and looking to be enjoying everything nature has to offer. He has his head up and eyes closed, the wind running through his fur. He's learning how to be in tune with nature very quickly, running with your eyes closed in an unfamiliar forest is difficult.

I follow him, letting him take the lead of this run. I want him to be comfortable with his wolf, and I don't want to overpower him with my Alpha power. I would never want my mate to submit to me.

Miles doesn't say anything through the link, just enjoying himself. We reach a stream, and Miles goes to take a drink but soon finds a fish swimming. He pounces after the fish, hopping around looking like a cute puppy. His puppy eyes stay with him in wolf form.

I just watch my little rabbit, having the time of his life as a newly shifted wolf.

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