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Sitting down for breakfast with her older brother a few days after the Mating Ball was no coincidence. Mary knew exactly why her brother had invited her for the bunch. He wanted to talk about the Mating Ball and potential mating prospects. At twenty-five, Mary was independent. She has a working income and lives on her own without her brother's overprotectiveness shadowing her every move.

He fell into the metal chair before her. Breakfast platters of sausage links, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon sat in front of them. Daniela always cooks up a big feast, even if it was only for their tiny little family.

"Where are the kids? How are they doing?" Mary asked, even though she had just seen them a few days ago.

"Jonathan had just discovered his newest adventure in the pantry the other day. Climbed the shelves for cookies and ended up spilling everything over. As for Joey, he has found how to run freely without diapers. I have discovered several wet spots all around the house," he grumbled and ran a hand through his short-textured haircut in frustration.

Mary simpered at the image of her nephews running wild. She couldn't help but feel mildly pleased that her brother was suffering from parenthood.

"I should stop by to visit sometimes. Maybe I'll babysit the boys while you two go on a date," she offered.

His smile brightened, and Mary saw once again how handsome her brother was. He had all the good genes. The dimples on his cheeks added to his whole look. It was one reason he was so highly popular with the female wolves.

"Daniela would be extremely happy. I know with the little one on the way, she really needs a break but you know her, she won't ask for it even if the world was ending," he said.

Daniela was pregnant with their third child and well on her way to giving birth soon, which explains many times she had on her hands to complete my ballgown for Mary. She didn't want to go to the Mating Ball this year, but was coerced by Marcus. Even so, she loved them with all her heart.

Suddenly, Marcus's cell phone rang. He picked it up and muttered a few 'yes' before hanging up. It was a quick call and so Mary assumed they needed him back at work.

"It seems we have visitors and our presence is required," Marcus announced.

"Ok, I'll leave you to it then," Mary replied, standing up from her chair and unfinished plate of food.

"Hold on a minute," Marcus stopped her with a hand in front of him.

She frowned in confusion at her brother. Connecting the dots in her head and then responding, "I am required to go too?"

He smiled then before nodding his head. "Yes, Mary Elizabeth Carter. You are to report to the Alpha's home immediately."

"You're joking, right?" she replied.

"Do I look like I am joking?" he deadpanned her.

She groaned. "But I had other things to do today."

"Oh, you mean to sit at home and watch TV?" he shot back.

"I live on my own, Marcus, you can't scold me like I am still a minor in your home," she retorted.

He sighed. "It is an order from our Alpha. We should obey."

Mary huffed once more before nodding her head at her brother. She'll listen this time and go but don't think she would change her comfortable track pants and a plain t-shirt for anyone. Besides, no one would even notice.

"Alright, would Daniela and the boys be going too?" she asked.

"Daniela is carrying a lot of weight. I think it would be best if she rests as much as possible. Too much standing would make her feet swollen and then she would uncomfortable all night," Marcus replied.

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