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As the fight began, darkness slowly touched every single corner of the mountain. Left no valley or rabbit hole untouched. The only light they had tonight was the shining moon. As if the Gods and Goddesses were looking down at them.

The smell of smoke still tainted the surrounding air. Not a single sound but the low, determined, and vicious growls of the two dominating wolves.

There were flashes of black and gray fur, almost a blur to the naked eye.

Mary watched apprehensively. Her mate fought Bruno. With the claws and bites, she realized that Ryker was trained exceptionally. He knew enough to fall back and when to attack.

Yet, she feared that Ryker was weaker than he was letting on. Giving Abraham blood might be his demise in this fight. He was putting on a brave front, but she noticed that Bruno had thrown Ryker down more than once. Even pinned him over ten times, but her mate was a fierce Alpha male. Her pacing grew panicky when she saw how worn Ryker was becoming.

Both dominating wolves were equal in attacks.

Bruno's claws were swiping and digging for kills. Ryker was working hard in dodging those hits and trying to get his own lethal blow in.

Then Bruno made a mistake that caused him to tumble back. Ryker jumped on the chance and pilfered his claws towards Bruno's stomach. It snagged and tore, but it wasn't a lethal enough blow. Bruno had managed to roll away and back onto his feet.

Her eyes flew to the edge of the woods—praying that Ethan was able to beat those three rogues. However, her distraction caused her to miss what was happening. A loud whine and whimper had her gaze snapping back to what was happening.

Her mate was down on the ground, wounded.


Triumph flashed across Bruno's eyes. He stood a little taller on his paws. Took a few steps toward Ryker's weak body.

Immediately, she felt like her heart was being ripped out of her chest. Her knees wobbled and fear instilled itself deep inside of her. She couldn't bear to see Ryker like this.

Ryker!, she screamed inside her head.

No, no, no, please! Get up! Get up!, Mary pleaded, not wanting to interfere with the fight.

Bruno shifted back. He stood—disgustingly naked in front of them all. She wanted to vomit at the sight of him. Did he think he was some kind of God?

On Bruno's face, he wore a confident smirk. As if he knew, he had won already. Mary hated him. Hated him more than anything in the world. Hated him for hurting Ryker, her mate.

She growled in warning as she watched Bruno sauntered over to Ryker for a finishing blow. Her fingernails dug into the earthy ground. She couldn't stop the snarl that slipped past her lips again.

Bruno stopped and glanced at her.

"Maybe I'll have some fun with your mate once I am Alpha," Bruno taunted.

Ryker snarled.

Although it was weak, it was enough to give her some hope.

That's it, baby. Mary's eyes were back on her mate.

Ryker got back onto his paws, but his legs shook terribly. He huffed and puffed. Even though she wasn't fighting, every fiber in her body was screaming in agony. She wanted to run to him.

"Please don't make this hard on yourself, Ryker."

Ryker stood up completely, and his wolf stood at the same height as Bruno. Then Mary saw a glint of light coming from Bruno. Her attention zoned in on what was in Bruno's hand. He held a knife with a curved blade.

The Wallflower MateOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara