31. Brandon; let's go upstairs

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Thursday I woke up from an amazing full nights sleep, straight though from eleven, a late night due to my manly needs (something I haven’t needed to do in weeks), till when my alarm went off for work. It wasn’t as great as sleeping with Mason but I’d take anything other than staring at the ceiling feeling sick until two in the morning. What’s better the first thing I did was check my phone seeing I already had a message from Mason.

M. Mornin...glory ;)

B. Dirty buggar! Not here. Glad I didn’t stay the night at urs haha

M. Dont lie u love it :P

B. U sleep okay?

His reply was instant not giving me a chance yet to even get out of bed, the smile on my face already starting me off to a good day though even if texting him would make me late.

M. Yessss! Finally. Wbu?

B. Much better than I hav been
Im gonna let u get ready
have a good day :)

M. u too! Sorry ur hold course of lasted longer

B. Christmas break soon!

I forced myself up out of bed taking a much needed shower and getting ready for a day at work. I’d spoken to Nora last night briefly explained where I’d been lying some that I’d been at work then with Mason not wanting her to know we had spent the entire day making up and sleeping together. She understood not even being slightly mad I hadn’t text sooner or if she was she didn’t let on.
Work was boring like always but Mason got a couple minutes of his break at the same time as mine so we had time to send three texts before he had to work again. They were normal how’s your day messages and everything seemed perfect.

B. Freedom!

I text him once out of work driving home and having another shower crashing on my bed scrolling FaceBook when he text back.

M. Crappy bad day!!

B. What happened?

M. Some cow actin like
shes better than every1
else mouthin off at some
young kids for bein to
loud when the entire time
screamin causin a scene

I got involved tellin her she
was the one actin out
and she bit me!!!

B. Wtf?! If this a cover up for a sneaky love bite then do tell? :’D

M. No lie I swear! We hd
to get police cuz she was

B. OMG sounds it
Where she bite u?

M. My thigh. Ill show u...


B. Is that u asking to come to mine after work?

M. Mayb depends on the answer

As if I’d ever say no to him coming back here. I was smiling like an idiot, my cheeks were hurting but I didn’t care. I was acting like some school girl texting her crush lay on my bed doing nothing but switching between texting him and checking social media. I might as well of been staring at the ceiling between his messages for all I cared he was my entertainment and I was seeing him tomorrow again meaning I’d need to rush home and hope I have time to nut one out in the shower so I’m  not all over him.

B. Aye

M. Aye?

B. Haha yes! It means yes u can
Im so bad at slang...

B. Ikr ngl u r. Dtf 2moz?

M. I hav no idea?

B. Guess ;p

M. I know right?! Easy... ok
No guy like u r? No erm
not got language?
Nice... no! Not gonna lie!?

B. And the rest

M. Erm... something tomorrow
Dude the food?
Down the front?
Dont take...
Do the front?

I have no idea?

B. Pml u have no idea how much funnier ur making what I said

M. Please make love ;) jk ;)
Piss myself laughing :p

Dtf... like wtf? Dude the fuck!!!
Close imagine dlf?
Dude      fuck.
Dude likes fuck
Dude licks feet?

Am I close?

B. Not at all :D have a think and get back to me. Brb ;)

M. Where u goin?

B. Dont miss me too much. Need food

I made myself some pasta because simply I couldn’t be bothered to cook anything real, sitting in front of the T.v. I zoned out eating as I watched a cars restoration program aware that my phone I’d left on the kitchen counter had rang and vibrated twice. I left it though finishing my food in peace. Once gone I took my plate into the kitchen whilst the adverts were on my program of course, washing drying and putting the plate away I finally reached for my phone. Missed call Nora, text Nora, text Mason. I unlocked my phone as I wondered to the sofa falling backwards onto it swinging my legs over the arm I read his message first.

M. Down to fuck? ;)

B. Excuse me?! :O

The smile on my face was from one side to the other teeth and all as I read and replied to him knowing he had probably googled it. He hadn’t replied yet so I opened Nora’s message, we had been texting on and off today but she hadn’t messaged in almost an hour before now.

N. U home? Alone?

I was about to type a reply when a bar spread the top of my phone that Mason had replied. He was my first priority, then I’d message her back...

M. Thats what dtf means. Dirty sod

B. No it means deal fell through!

M. Deal fell through tomorrow makes no sense...
Also Dlt isn’t real?

B. Isn’t real? Hang on u looking these up u cheat!

M. I just got it...

B. Go for it?

M. Dude lets fuck

B. Woah I dont know where all this is coming from! ;)

M. Was it really deal fell thro?

B. ;)

M. I knew it! Ur a bad influence

B. U didnt answer my question

M. No haha

B. No? U really just turned me down wow idburn!

M. ? Speak English!

B. IIRC we are bffs qt scnt u again
I loose...

This isn't what friends doOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz