20. Brandon; Win me over

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I was glad all of that between me and Mason happened on a night when neither of us had work the next day. I don’t quite know how I’d of been able to concentrate if it had been not knowing exactly how it might change our relationship. Last night when I came back in from showering he was already asleep so I slipped into bed beside him and eventually fell to sleep too. This morning I woke up first and after waiting fifteen minutes for him to wake up and still no movement from him I couldn’t take being alone with my thoughts any longer terrified when he does wake everything will be weird. So I went downstairs after getting dressed in yesterday joggers and t-shirt vegding out in front of the t.v. waiting for him.

After what felt like forever he strolled down taking a seat beside me letting his head fall onto my shoulder instantly making me feel better. I dropped my hand to just above his knee hoping it would give him the same sense of security. “You sleep okay?” I masked how worked up I’d been since last night worrying. He sat up away from me answering that he did.

“Did you?” He asked I couldn’t lie to him so I flopped my body lower on the sofa kicking my legs out resting my head on the back with a sigh giving him his answer.

“I couldn’t sleep. Been waiting ages for you to wake up.” I further explained seeing him smile just a little.

“Honestly I woke up about half an hour ago I was too chicken to come down.” He admitted us both being honest with each other.

“Well if you would of I’d of told you sooner that last night didn’t change anything for me. I had fun.” I tried reassuring him hoping he would do the same to me and judging by how he almost cuddled into me as soon as he saw me this morning and how he was smiling now I had high hopes.

“You want me to tell you the same?” He read my mind and I nodded I did. “Well I have a question first.” He continued sitting higher up in his seat. I groaned but was ready to hear him out. “What are you gonna do about your girlfriend?” I think he was expecting me to say leave her or tell her or at least say I was still thinking about it. Truthfully I’d been thinking about it since last night. She didn’t deserve me doing this to her but last night wouldn’t be a long term thing and it’s not like Mason is giving me something I could get from her.

“Really? She won’t know. She doesn’t need to know.” It sounded terrible.

“She shouldn’t have a boyfriend that cheats on her no matter how much I don’t like her Brandon.” He seemed upset moving further away in the chair to look fully at me.

“If it was as simple as you or her it would be a different matter Mase but your not willing to try this between us. Last night was new for me. I enjoyed it but I don’t want us to be a secret hidden away. Until your ready to tell people there’s no reason for me to break up with her.” I fully explained my conclusion I’d came to.

“If it was me or her?” He asked seeming scared of the answer making me again groan and drop my head back. I felt like it was me getting all the blame here but if he would just give us a chance, I know it wouldn’t be so easy for him to admit to people but he isn’t even saying he will try.

“Depends. Are we talking about having her and keeping you as my best friend how we always were or are we talking about loosing you entirely? Also if I choose you are you going to be open about us or behind closed doors? They all lead to different answers. If it was simply loose you or loose her it won’t even be a question Mason you know that.” I dragged on feeling targeted.

“So your going to keep rubbing her in my face?” He mumbled looking down.

I scoffed at his question not believing how unbelievable he was being. “I don’t!” I snapped the first thing that came to my head. “Have I even spoke to her all week around you?”

He backed down sinking into my chest burying his face in my stomach. At first I was annoyed at him so didn’t move to comfort him but as he sighed into me I crumpled rubbing his arm up and down, his arm soon being covered in goose bumps. He pulled away to look at me, even he looked defeated. “I’m such the jealous type.” He whispered embarrassed sensing he was wrong this time. I stroked his hair back letting my fingers tangle in it holding him facing me.

“Do you really think if I told everyone I was gay you’d be fine with holding my hand in public or kissing me without being scared or embarrassed?” He asked his voice low.

“Scared yes but never embarrassed. I like you so people who don’t like that can get lost their opinion don’t matter to me. Not like you do.” I was in full cheese mode but it was honest and it was what he needed to hear. He slipped back into my lap curling up with me wrapping his arms around me. I excepted him for the first time not caring how us cuddling looked. It felt great and I just wished we could of last night after doing something so intimate especially as it was both our first time with a guy.

“I know I just said I don’t rub your face in it but Nora wanted to go out with me today.” I began treading back into the danger zone.

“it’s fine. Go with her.” He was so understanding making it harder to not fall further for him guilty I felt like this was my fault.

“She wanted to watch that chick flick thing and I didn’t want to. I convinced her to go with her friends but she still wanted to see me.” The entire time I was explaining he was playing with a part of my t-shirt as he lay on my stomach across the sofa legs still on the floor. “We compromised I’d go but only if while she watched her film we watched the new Annabelle the guys too.”

“Whose going?” He asked before I could tell him I’d totally get it if he didn’t want to go and see her face.

“Blair, Tony and Louie.” I answered his question. “But you don’t have to come.” I added again tracing patterns into his bicep.

“No I’ll come.” He sat up pushing against me as I wanted him to stay on me enjoying it to much for him to stop. “But from now on whatever happens with us is on you. I’m not worrying what your girlfriend will think or stopping us because of her. That’s down to you.” He still seemed upset but he was smiling ever so slightly.

“Maybe you’ll just have to do something to win me over.” I teased seductively looking over his body licking my lips as I thought about him naked now knowing exactly what he looked like.

“Maybe.” He grinned. “What time we going?” He asked collapsing back into the headrest.

“About seven.” I couldn’t help checking the time on my phone not sure how long we had left. It was still only eleven so we had all day left to try kill our sexual tension so people didn’t notice. Blair would probably see it the fastest especially as he knows about how the last time he saw us we were both acting so pissy at each other and Mason confessed to liking me.

“Do you mind nipping me home I’ve got some stuff to do.” He asked pulling himself to the edge of the couch.

“Stuff to do?” I questioned intrigued.

“Yes. So will you?” He asked again and reluctantly I said okay. Hopefully whatever the stuff was wouldn’t take long and I could wait in the car for him to finish up.

Unfortunately for me as I pulled up outside his place he promised he would meet me at the cinema at seven meaning whatever he had to do he wanted to do without me for the entire day something I’d not wanted at all. Still I couldn’t be so controlling so I let him go hiding how frustrated I was saying I’d catch him later.

I drove home and spent almost the entire day in bed texting with Nora on and off whilst watching crappy day time television. I had a nap for about an hour waking up I felt ready to shower and get myself dressed for tonight. I suppose it was date night for me however I looked at it, Nora or Mason so I made sure I made some effort.

After showing I dressed in some form fitting black jeans and a white light weight shirt which I only buttoned to my chest exposing the string necklace I decided to wear. I paired everything with my black Doc Martens not caring enough to fix how my trousers sat, my look was messy and boyish how I liked it. I left my hair untamed hanging down freely it starting to become a little long hanging below my chin.

I’m leaving now u ready?

I text Mason for the first time today hoping I wasn’t bothering him too much, something I’d never cared about before. I found my car keys and wallet checking a final time if I had been text back only finding one from Nora saying her and her friends just got to the cinema. Their film began fifteen minutes before ours so would have a very brief hello before she disappears for two hours. I just hoped the guys liked her or at least agreed on my choice of being with her, I knew Mason didn’t but he had better reasons why.

I left the house locking up behind myself keeping my fingers crossed Mason wasn’t secretly upset and not coming.

This isn't what friends doOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora