Chapter 13

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Savannah's POV

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I yelled as I threw my heels in his direction. "Didn't I mention that part in the contract?" He winced as I successfully injured him with my throw.

"What in the hell were you thinking?!" I screamed as he shut the door behind him, making his way into the kitchen. "I was thinking we could have had a celebration when we came home but I guess not."

His comment riled me more as I threw my clutch at his back. "You asshole!" I stormed into the living room, throwing myself back onto the couch as I laid down. "You said yes didn't you?" He smirked as he leaned against the door frame, drinking a half glass of whiskey. "I didn't have a choice because of your stupid contract." I groaned, closing my eyes.

I felt my legs being moved as their was a presence at the bottom of my feet. I opened  my eyes to see that Hayes had made himself comfortable under my legs. "Would a foot rub make up for it?" He joked playfully. "It's a start." I would have refused but the pain in my feet from those heels was unbearable.

He took another sip of his whiskey before handing it to me. He began massaging the sole of my foot before moving to the middle, working his magic as my foot became less sore.

I swallowed down the rich whiskey before sitting the glass beside the sofa. "Marriage wasn't mentioned in the contract." I huff, looking over to him. "You agreed to life style changes." He smirked cockily. "I'm beginning to regret agreeing to that one." I sighed, looking towards the ceiling.

"I didn't have a solid plan on proposing tonight.. Well.. fake proposing." He stopped rubbing my feet, resting his arms over my legs. "But you had a ring ready in your pocket?" I leaned up on my shoulders, raising my eyebrow in question. "I said I didn't have a solid plan, not that I wasn't ever proposing. It would have had to come at some point." He said in an obvious tone.

"Hayes, don't you think this is going a little too fast? We have barely reached 4 months into the agreement. Won't people get suspicious?" I point out as he just looks at me with a smile. "We were together 70% of our teenage years. We broke off no longer than 2 years ago. Nothing about this is suspicious." He was right.

Considering the length of our relationship and how quickly things turned for Hayes to end up needing my help, I guess from someone else's side it looked pretty normal.

"I just want my mother knowing that even if it isn't the right way, that one of her children made something of their lives and she has that sense of relief that one of us had settled down. Everyone knows Chase hasn't got a hope from his immaturity and Colton... god knows where his heads at." He made his statement clear before reaching for his glass again.

"Yes, Colton settled with his wife and has kids but he's the type who's never fulfilled. He's always looking for the next thing. Wether it's another investment, another kid or another car. Chase hasn't had a girlfriend in who knows how long. And by the way his immaturity levels are at right now, I'm sensing that it isn't anytime soon." He huffed.

"So you feel like you should be the one to make something of your personal life, of your company, marriage, faking happiness for your mother?" I ask sympathetically, removing my legs from his lap and sitting criss cross facing him. "Even if it isn't truly real. She doesn't know that. She deserves to know that it is true. I owe her that at least." He eyed the whiskey in his hand whilst swirling the liquid in circles before downing the glass whole.

"You don't have to do this to yourself. Faking your happiness isn't healthy." I say to him, rubbing his shoulder trying to comfort him. "If you want to back out now, I'll shred the contract, take you home and forget any of this happened." He spoke shaprly, as if he was a completely different person before standing and making his way upstairs.

I followed closely behind him, entering his room as he removed his suit jacket and tie. "I didn't say I was going to back out of the contract Hayes. I wouldn't do that to you. Not when it means so much to you and your mother." I say as I watch him loose patience with his shirt buttons.

I walk to his cautiously before standing in front of him, helping him undo the top buttons. He stares down at me intensely as my hands shake. As soon as the button pops open, I quickly retrieve my hands down to my sides and step back.

"Good night Hayes." I whisper and turn my back to walk away to the door but a firm grip on my arm prevented me from doing so. "Why are you doing this? I hurt you. You could have easily said no. Why did you sign the contract?" He let out a heavy breath as he stared into my eyes.

"Because I care about you Hayes. No matter how much you hurted me, I will always care about you." I whisper as he gently takes a step further. I held my hand on his chest, giving him a small smile. "I think we should talk tomorrow when we have a clear head and have had a good night's sleep. Goodnight Hayes." I leaned up, pressing a small peck onto his cheek before making my way upstairs and into the bedroom I slept in.

So much happened tonight. Things that I do and don't want to relive again. But tomorrow was a new day. A brighter day.

I just had no clue if we could get passed this.

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