Chapter 6

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Savannah's POV

The first week was tough. The second week, I thought we made progress but when the third week rolled by, everything he did reminded me why he was such an asshole.

I must say, things went quite smoothly up until the point were we had to play off the act to my mother and father.

My mother was upset as to what happened prior but was able to accept it, but my father on the other hand, wasn't so easy. Hayes thought it would be a better idea to play it off to my parents, in case of any slip ups.

Personally for me, it wasn't a problem, I don't think I could ever make amends with Hayes but it was a problem for him. If we couldn't get my father to accept, we wouldn't be making the announcement and Hayes' company would be in extreme danger of collapsing.

"How about we cook for all of them? I can cook that beef stir fry your dad's in love with." He offered and it wasn't too much of a bad idea. Food is the way to his heart. But would it work?

"Sounds great." I reply and continue reading my book. It was both our day off and we decided to host another dinner and hope it would lure my dad into accepting the relationship.

"I have a press conference coming up in a few weeks. I thought it'd be the perfect time to reveal us. I don't want our parents to start wondering why we haven't went public when we did before." He announced.

"How soon is a few weeks?" I raise an eyebrow in question. "3." He replied.

"It's only been two months. They wouldn't be questioning it now, would they?" I ask as he just shrugged his shoulders. "Better being on the safe side." Then an idea popped into my head.

"You said we would need to be public." I stated as he nodded. "Your social media pages are the perfect place to be public. You have what? 20 something million on Instagram." I pointed out. "25." He replied and looked at me with a smirk.

"You're giving me that look. Why are you giving me that look?" I ask wierly as he just runs upstairs. He returns five seconds later with two matching pairs of fluffy socks. "Put them on." I asked no questions and put them on before he dragged me to the couch.

"Lay your legs beside mine so I can get your socks in the frame." Once again I never questioned him and complied with his instructions, laying my legs on the side of his calves.

He snapped a picture and leaned over to me, showing me the picture and follow up captions.

'Cosy nights in🧦❄'

"Should be good enough, right?" He asked, unsure of wether to post it.

I smile and lean closer, pressing my index finger onto the 'post' button before he had anymore time to think about it.

The picture flooded with likes and comments asking things like...

'Omg I wonder who Hayes is with!'

'Omg I wonder who Hayes is with!'

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'Is that his girlfriend?'

'Since when did Calloway shack up with someone?'

It just went on and on.

We sat for a few more minutes, watching the comments flood in until we heard someone clear their throat at the door.

I jump up, immediately whipping my legs away from Hayes before I find myself flat on my face.

"Damn it." I groan before I felt Hayes help me up from the floor.

"Looks like you two were getting cosy." Hayes' father made his entrance. "I just came by to drop off some pie your mother made. How are you kids doing?" Joseph asked smiling.

"Doing great. Aren't we babe?" Hayes smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, holding me to his side. "Yeah. We're really good." I smile, leaning into his side for full effect, wanting nothing more than to push him away from me.

"Anyway. I didn't come to chat. I left the food in the fridge. Goodnight." We smile as he walks out of the door and once we hear the click, we both let out a huge breath.

"See? We got this in the bag." Hayes chuckled. "Now, how about we make pancakes? I'm starving." He rubbed his hands together and shuffled his way into the kitchen. "We ate 30 minutes ago and it's almost 9!" I shouted rolling my eyes.

"A man needs to eat." He used as an excuse before fishing out a pancake mix from the cupboard. "Uhhh.. hmm let's see." He mumbled, taking an awful long time reading the instructions. "Don't tell me you know how to cook a whole steak from scratch but you don't know how to whip up a batch of pancake batter with premade ingredients." I stiffled a chuckle before he nodded in defeat.

"Wow. There's finally something you can't do." I tease, taking the pancake mix from his hands and pouring it into a nearby mixing bowl. "Let's see, we need to add two eggs, 150 milliletres of milk and a teaspoon of vanilla extract." I read out before turning to one of the cupboards that had the bowls in.

"Hayes?" I call out. "Yes?" He replied. "Why is ALL of your bowls on the top shelf?" I asked annoyed. "Oops. My bad." I didn't have enough time to move before his body was pressed against my back as he effortlessly, even without the use of going on his tiptoes, pulled out a mixing bowl, setting it in front of me.

"There you go." He mumbled, being so close, I felt his breath hit the back of my neck. I clear my throat and take a hold of the bowl. "Thank you."

"Let's get those pancakes started."

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