part 4

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Hamza entered the kitchen followed by her. He got seated on a chair while she started warming the food. Her hair was open and beautiful waves was already formed.

She could feel heated gaze on her back but didn't pay attention. While he was constantly observing her every move.

He really was resisting himself from playing with her auburn-black hair. His eyes were making her uncomfortable. She just wanted to pull her hair up and run to a corner.

Away from him...she was scared of his closeness. She was scared...her fear was that he would again come and shout at her or call her a gold digger. A silent tear escaped her eyes which she wiped in hurry.

He was aware of her tear...and the reason behind it. He sighed.

"Hoorain..." Her name rolled out of his tongue making her turn around in a jerk.

"Aaahh.." She cried holding her hand. His sudden call made her shock and a result her hands got burned in the pot.

He instantly sprinted towards her and held her hand. It was burnt really bad. A complete look of worry formed on his face and look of shock on hers...her pain was long forgotten.

"can't you be a little careful...see how much it had burn." He said and dragged her towards the wash basin and put her hand under the cold water.

All the while her face was morphed in a complete shock...his concern was scaring her.

"Show..." he whispered and looked at her hand once again but instantly ahw snatched it.

"What are you doing?'' He asked with a frown.

"'' She stuttered badly and tears had found their way to her cheeks.

A pang of immense hurt flowed in him.

"Hoorain show me it needs treatment..." He forwarded his hand to grasp it but she backed off.

"No one is here...stop your fake concern." Her deep words were stabbing his heart...tearing it apart into slices.

"My concern for you is not fake." He tried to remain calm but right now he only wanted to tell her that how much she meant for him.

She chuckled dryly.

"Please have hurt me enough...please I am not strong" her voice was meek and small. Shakiness was prominent in it. Her each words were pricking his heart.

"Hoorain...listen.." He tried to explain but she gestured him to stop and ran out of the kitchen.

Closing the door with a smash she fell on her knees and broke into hysterical crying.

Her tears were narrating her feelings. Her back was touching the door and her head on her knees. Her loud cry had become fading sobs.

All the while Hamza was standing outside her room..listening to her cries. Her eyes had shame, hurt, love and tears.

After what felt like eternity she opened the door and froze after finding his eyes staring her brown ones.

His mouth slightly parted as if trying to say some unsaid words but failed. She looked away and turned around to walk inside her room.

But she couldn't...he held her wrist in a soft hold making her skin spark and tingle.

"I..Hoorain...I am sorry." He whispered. If it was not the errie silence of the room she couldn't have heard it.

She didn't say any word...she was out of words. Her heart was beating fast.

In a sudden swift he pulled her towards him self. She bumped into his hard chest and a fearful gasp escaped her lips. She tilted her head and found him already looking her way. It was becoming hard to look into those intimidating eyes. She quickly averted her gaze and tried to loosen his grip but all went in vain.

"Don't go...please" he whispered and her struggle died. Something inside her told her to listen him. She just kept quiet.

He snaked his arms around her waist and kept his head on her shoulder.

She was freezing...every kind of weird sensations were erupted in her. Her skin felt warm wherever his touch was.

"I am sorry...I really am Hoorain." He started.

"I was a jerk and I know sorry isn't enough for whatever I had done with you. I regret it...I regret being so mean to you...I was such a failure...I couldn't see that you are a pearl. My pearl. Please forgive me...please. I should not have done whatever I did...I am sorry...please give me another chance. Will you Hoor?" He asked her and for a second she felt her heart stop.


"I promise I will never disappoint you...willingly or unwillingly...I promise I will treat you well...I promise I will love you...I promise you will definitely love me too." Hia words had hundred of emotions morphed in it. It was as deep as the had had had love.

She was standing like a statue.

"Please say something.." He pleaded breaking her trance.

"Uh..its okay." She replied breaking his heart. He left her and she faced him.

Her emotions were not able to come out. She wanted to yell and scold him and then hug the life out of him...she loved him. He was a jerk and she loved him.

But right now she was only staring him.

"say something Hoor."

"Uhh...I...." She said but before she could reply the sleeping baby cried catching their attention.

She ran towards the kid and held her in her arms... He stood their carefully observing her. She was running from him. It was clear.

He sighed dejectedly and went out of the room. She glanced at his retreating figure and released the breath she didn't know she was holding.

Assalamoalaikum guys...

How are you all?

Actually I am sick...winter and me are never on good terms....I am sorry for late update.

The next update might take some time so I request you all to be patient..and thank you for reading my story.

I will also request you all to give my other stories a chance to.

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