T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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N O A H ' S  P O I N T  O F  V I E W

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

N O A H ' S P O I N T O F V I E W .

"You did th-this to me!" I cried out as an intense feeling washed over my body.

"Well actually love, Vixen did" Killian chuckled as he moved my sweaty curls away from my forehead and kissed my temple.

I felt pressure along my abdomen as nurses and doctors surrounded me. They had given me an epidural, although I didn't feel the pain I still felt some sensations.

"Breath baby, it's okay" he whispered as I squeezed his hand.

My eyes squeezed shut as I bit my lip and whimpered. I was giving birth, having babies and all he could say was breath?!.

"Shut up Killian! You're not in my situation! I-" I was cut off my two babies crying and my heart stopped as I seen them holding my babies.

I watched them clip the umbilical cord and I reached out for them as they took them away and my eyes watered as all I wanted was them.

Killian shushed me softly and rubbed my hair, kissing my cheek before the walked back in with the babies wrapped in blankets, one pink and one blue.

I reached out frantically with all the strength I could muster and they handed them to me. My babies stopped squealing and just sighed softly. The girl had black raven hair like Killian and the boy had slightly lighter hair, brownish.

I cooed at them as tears fell down my cheeks and I looked at Killian with glassy eyes. He smiled warmly and reached out, taking the boy in his arms. My heart clenched at the sight of the two.

The doctors came back and told us they had to do a few checks and took them off, an iv being hooked up to me. I felt my eyes flutter shut.


"They're so cute!" Serina squealed as I nursed Harper. She babbled softly around the bottle.

Serina was holding Ronan. I have always loved the name Ronan and whilst Killian wanted him to be named after himself. I told him no as I hated people who called their kids after them.

"She certainly has beta blood running through her" she noted as my two month old baby gave me a gummy smile when I pulled the empty bottle away.

"I think he is an omega, or if not definitely not beta type" I told her, I never mentioned it to Killian as having an omega is a curse. I should know.

He kept going on about how strong he'll be and how he'll be fit with all the training they'll do and I'm so scared to say anything incase he gets mad at me. I still get nightmares of Ciaran sometimes.

"I-, don't tell Killian but he thinks he is a beta and I haven't gone against what he has said because I'm scared he'll get angry, angry that Ronan isn't what he expected" I admitted and a soft frown took over her features as I felt my eyed water. "I'm not worried about my safety is just. I was born an omega and my parents abandoned me"

"Oh Noah. Killian would never hurt you if that's what you're thinking" she soothed and I shook my head sniffling.

"Its not that. I know he would never but I don't like when he shouts even if he doesn't mean it and I don't want him to find out one day when they shift that Ronan is an omega. My family gave me up. I don't want him to be shunned" I whispered and Serina opened her mouth to speak when the door opened and I heard Killian and Jax.

I wiped my eyes and she smiled softly as they entered the living room and Jax immediately went to Serina and kissed her forehead. Killians brows furrowed and I seen worry flash through his eyes but I just shook my head and smiled at him.

"Sorry Noah but I've come to steal my mate away" Jax chuckled and Serina handed Ronan to Killian as they left.

"Noah?" He questioned and I felt my eyes water all over as Harpers small fingers weakly squeezed my pinky. "What's wrong baby?"

"P-Please don't get mad" I whispered and he sat down at the sofa, reaching and grabbing my hand.

"I, um. I don't think Ronan has beta blood in him. I-I, I know it's too early to tell but if-If he turns out to be an omega like me, pl-please don't shun him out for it" my voice cracked and broke as I tried to hold my sobs.

"I-It's just cause you ke-keep going on about how he'll be a strong beta and protect the pa-pack and I don't want you disappointed" I whispered and I felt his thumb rub my hand.

"Noah, I didn't know it upset you this much baby. I don't care whether they're both omegas as long as they're happy and healthy. I'm happy baby, I would never ever shun or abandon my pups" he told me and I nodded, wiping my eyes.

"Come on, its time for them to go to bed and I think you need a nap as well, someone is getting cranky huh?" He chuckled and I whined looking at him as we both stood up.

"Yes daddy" he rolled his eyes at my words and I began walking away as I felt his hand slap my ass.

"Don't start something with the babies here" he growled in my ear.

We walked upstairs and into their shared nursery. The colours were different shades of grey and some splashes of yellow mixed in, setting them in their cots. I pulled the blankets over Harper as she yawned cutely.

I climbed into bed exhausted as Killian's large arm wrapped around my waist and I snuggled into his chest.

"I think you should start taking regular naps baby" he whispered and I looked up at him.

"Why?" I muttered through a yawn.

"Because, my baby gets cranky when he is tired, don't you agree?" He hummed and I nodded softly.

"Yes daddy" I whispered.

"I think we should make some new rules, just for you and me" he told me and I nodded, eyes closed as I curled into him and fell asleep.

Beta's babyboyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα