12. Wishing Well

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Happy Festive holidays to all that's celebrating and Happy New Year!



The car comes to a halt.

"We could've walked, you know?" I say looking over at him.

Nathan unbuckles his seat belt, looking my way. "And risk getting seen around with you?"
I gasp, not believing the words that came out of his rude mouth. He smiles, laughing. "I'm kidding! Look, Madison, you just seem a little tense. I just wanted to make you laugh but I ended up making myself look bad."

He really isn't good with women.

I narrow my eyes at him. "Let me just get out of the car before I slap you." A smile spreads on my lips, I unbuckle my seat belt and get out his black Mercedes.

He steps out too. "Before you go and assume things about me, I just want you to know that I'm not like that."
He locks his car.

"Like how?"

"Like...us being seen together or something. I don't care what people think." Nathan says confidently walking by my side towards one of the entrances of Central Park.

I frown, looking down.
Should I believe that?
He was engaged to a woman and it seemed like he didn't even love her, my bet is that it was an arranged marriage. Meaning, deep down, he does care what people think. He does care about his reputation.

"I forgot to tell you, but I think now is be the perfect time to say it." I look up at him, wondering what he has to say. "Last month, there was an article about me...about me and you."

Frowning, I stop dead in my tracks. "Say what now?"

Nathan let's out a nervous chuckle. "A picture was leaked of us exiting the bar, but luckily for your safety, your face couldn't be seen. The article assumed that we're dating or hooking up-"

I start walking away from him, huffing breaths escapes me. I don't want to hear any further.

He follows me. "Great! Now you're mad at me."

"And you expect me not to be? We're from different worlds, so whatever this is between us should come to an end." I say looking back at him.

There could be paparazzi hiding in the trees as we speak.

His blue eyes pierce into mine. "You regret it." He says more like a fact. And I can't but admit to myself that I do.
"And that's really okay. It was a one time thing, don't take it too seriously."

"Do you regret it?" I can't help but ask.

He stops and thinks for a moment. "No."

I'm surprised.

"Regret is something I don't have time for. Whatever I do, I take responsibility for it."

Him saying that makes me realize just how irrational I really am. I shouldn't complain, and I shouldn't be mad at him.
A chilly wind blows over us. "Well said...I just overreacted Nathan."

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