~Chapter 2~

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It was a mistake going through the park today.
Apparently, we just walked on a battle field, and right after, a protective shield went up behind, thoroughly trapping us inside.
My instincts kicked into over drive as I pushed everyone back, they all going fearfully quiet as I stood protectively in front of them.
"Coal, dial the police and tell them what's going on immediately."
I heard the dial tone ring until someone picked up, but I zoned it out, spotting a shadow in the distance.
Was it so wrong to hope that they didn't see us?
Sadly, they did, and they came barreling right toward us. I studied it as it came in the light. I couldn't describe it as anything other than a robot.
My heart fell as I stepped away from the cowering group, hoping that all those years of self defense would be enough.
"Selene, Will, move the others, protect them!", I yelled over my shoulder to the older kids, and with that I engaged the metal android.
Thank God the thing was stupid, recklessly thrashing about in hopes of hurting me, but It only managed to get a hit or two in before I was ripping it apart. It was a piece of cake, but it was tiring dodging it's quick attacks.
My head snapped over to see that another bot grabbed Julian as he lunged out in defense to protect the others. Will was staggering back into a standing position, a distinctive red welt accross his cheek. Anger filled my eyes as I used my speed to sneak behind the thing, twisting it's head before it know what hit him and threw the decarded appendage....part...across the grass as I pat the teary eyed, sniffling boys head before pushing him behind me, my eyes scanning for Selene's group as I consoled him and the others.
Hearing screams was never a good thing.
"Stay behind and close to me, if I get attacked you run back here, understood."
The pups nodded their compliance as I raced to the others, recognizing the scream again to be Selene herself. As I stalked closer, my hips started to burn, but I brushed it off as a couple bruises.
Then I saw her, standing ferally in front of the others who were getting ready to lung as well, but what had me frozen was the steady stream of blood that flowed down her limp arm.
As I rounded the corner I saw two men that set my marks a blaze, and they just so happened to be Captain America and the Winter soldier themselves. They didn't move their worried gazed from the pup, but they had to feel I was here just like I felt them, however, I had no time to worry about that. My pup was hurt, and the only one's I saw around where the two males.....two alpha's.
I let out an instinctual growl running with a lions speed as I jumped in their path, putting my hands out around them to say that they were mine.
My small canines showing as I let out another warning growl, which was what snapped the males out of the trance they were In. Curiously watching me back the group closer to the barrier with a hand as I had a staring contest with the Captain.
"Back away from my pack, Alpha's."
The two complied without a fight, hearing my feral voice as I seethed.
Just a second later, the shield dissipated into the air as if everything was back to normal, but it wasn't.
So I promptly ignored my Alpha's as I turned to check each pup individually, leaving a light kiss to each forehead in dismissal.
Once I check all twenty or so I sat Selene down, being the only one injured, turning to David as he awaited orders. His inner alpha worried
"David, Sorry but your going to have to take the others to school. If they say anything, tell them to call Barb so it's more official when she tells them to shove it up their ass."
They all returned my smile with one of their own.
"Ok Mama"
My face softened at the title, relishing in each arm that made contact with me as they left. That is, until I went back to Selene, thats when the Alpha's stepped forward, though in caution.
"We will take full responsibility, please, let us take her to our doctor."
Even though I was scared, I found my head nodding along, lifting her slightly taller frame in my arms. Though, I had a little difficulty, but then, James, I think that's his real name, offered to carry her.
"First test.", I said a little to spitful, passing her off to the male as I followed slightly behind. Though not before catching him let out a deep chuckle and a smirk my way.
"Of course, doll."

My Alpha's (Bucky x Steve x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now