page twelve;

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- Cristiano-

One of those many joys of being a father was getting to show off your son to your friends and that's exactly what I had in mind when I took Nicolas down to the Real Madrid training complex that morning. He was such a skillful young talent that I just couldn't resist.

Nicolas was now my pride and joy, before all my trophies I had at home took over my love and pride and now he was my pride and I didn't mean it like a materialistic thing no, never that. He just suddenly turned into the center of my world. I even wanted to talk to Nicolette about adding Ronaldo into his name- Nicolas James Ronaldo or Nicolas Ronaldo James anything just a sign that people knew that he was my son.

"You're going to love the team" I rested my hands behind his head guiding him towards the locker room where most but not all my teammates were.

"Is uncle Sergio here?" Nicolas asked searching around for the tall sevillan. I myself looked for him too, trust me of Sergio was here you would know. And it was rather quiet so that was a sign that he hasn't arrived yet.

"I don't think so" I pulled onto my training bag pulling it down from my shoulders to my hands. "He'll be here soon, he usually arrives late anyways." Which was true, Sergio always had the idea of arriving 'fashionably' late.

"Hey it's Ronaldo and Ronaldo jr. " Marcelo slapped my back greeting me before picking Nicolas up. That was the nickname the guys gave for Nicolas and I whenever we were together, which wasn't a bad thing. I actually liked it more than I set out.

After Marcelo's announcement if our arrival the rest of the team that hadn't met Nicolas which was probably everyone except Marcelo, Pepe, Sergio, Iker and Gareth all crowded Nicolas. I'd be lying if I said it didn't bring a tear to my eye at the sight of my team being so welcome to my son.

"I'm sorry I'm late guys" Sergio jogged over. "I had some roses being delivered to my new lady friend, if you know what I mean."

"Are you still trying to pull it with Nicolas's madre?" Pepe teased. "She's not going to give in"

"You just wait and see, the Ramos charm is not easy to resist" He smirked to himself. He was the most arrogant self centered man I've ever met but that was what made him so much fun to be around.

"And your okay with that, Cristiano?" Iker asked, and now all eyes were trained on me. I asked myself that too. Was I okay with this? I mean Nicolette was just a one night stand, no feelings there. I had Irina remember. But considering Sergio's reputation with women, they weren't going to end well.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." I shrugged. "We just have a son together nothing else."


He did not just get me not one but three vases of roses. I stood there staring at them as the banquet delivery man holding an envelope in his hands. He pressed it in my palms before sending me another warm smile and exiting my living room.

They looked so elegant they even smelled elegant. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Sergio was trying to court me. And it was actually really sweet, you never see that anymore. A guy actually taking his time to get the girl and I liked that way better than meeting at some club.

My dearest Nicolette,
I hope your day is going as well as mine. If you could make me the happiest man on earth by letting me take you out to dinner tonight at 8?
Yours truly,

I guess you could say I was a sucker for these type of guys and the man did get me all these flowers so I just might have to go to dinner with him and see where it takes us. Goodness I haven't dated anyone in awhile and this just might work out. I don't know why but I just had a feeling Sergio and I would actually work out.

Okay well I won't be on this entire week but I'll be back next week, it's cause it's thanksgiving and I'm staying with my cousins in California so I just might go celebrity hunting.

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